According to a protocol or two, the way to manage INRs below 2.0 is to increase dosing by 1/2 for a few days---but, according to research, you should be safe from any clotting problems if your INR is below 2 for a week or so. If you only missed doses for two days, your INR may not have dropped below 2, and you certainly wouldn't have had that low INR for a WEEK if you missed dosing for two DAYS.
Taking that extra 5 mg dose may have spiked your INR for a day or two -- I'm with the others - go back to your usual dose and don't worry much about it. I'm also with Pellicle regarding home testing.
Personally, I strongly believe that everyone on warfarin - and especially the valvers - should test every week (10 days maximum). When you test less frequently, you know your INR at the instant that you run your monthly test, but you don't really know what it is on those weeks between tests. Testing with a meter is easy, and relatively inexpensive (especially now that meters and supplies have dropped from what they were a decade or two ago), and great insurance against strokes or bleeding. I just DO NOT understand the logic that medical professionals seem to want to apply to INR testing that makes it 'reasonable' to go for long periods between tests.