Need help on doing gym and competitive sports.

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Jan 13, 2013
Hi I'm born with bav & I'm a Singaporean. I don't like the cardiologist here. They tend to be typical Singaporean. I'm having valve area of 1.5 and aortic root of 4.5cm. Have been going echo yearly. No deterioration. Currently 19 male. I have been doing competitive basketball up till now. I have been warned by my cardiologist not to do any strenuous activity or not doing weights. Just pure aerobatic sports. Frankly speaking I rather die to not to hit any gym and working out. I have already given up my competitive sports for my school. I just want to hit weekly gym and casual basketball. Is it safe? And is it possible i just do anything I want and I just let my valve detoriate till I go for a valve replacement. 180/70kg
I'm in the same position as you. Not able to do competitive sport, just light exercises light gym work. Been like this for 2 yrs. I asked my cardiologist if I should eat healthy, do light moderate exercise generally look after myself and his exact words were. " it doesn't matter what you do every heart beat is wearing your valve out " I thought great thanks for that!!!!!