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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Scottsboro, Alabama USA
It's been 6 weeks today since I had my MVR. Everything seems to be doing great. I am doing my walking and really enjoying it. I have already gone back to work...a little more than part time, but yesterday I noticed swelling in my right ankle...and it hurt a little. I am paranoid about going back to the hospital because I was in there a total of 19 days! Maybe I hurt my ankle walking? If I did I don't remember. It isn't a lot of swelling...but I can see it compared to my other ankle....

I don't see my doctor again until the 16th and I don't want to call him. I will if it gets worse, but I wondered if any of you had something similiar? I have no swelling anywhere else..and didn't walk at all today and it seemed to help the swelling.

I wasn't sent home with Lasiks...but did take them in the hospital and was put on a very strict fluid intake because BOTH my legs swelled so bad. Do I need to be concerned? Sorry to bother ya'll with this as it's really so minor...but like I said...I want to be well and things like this make me feel like I am backing up.

Swelling of the ankle is a sign of Fluid Retention.

You should call the surgeon's office and speak with one of his Nurses. She may advise you about what to do or ask your Surgeon for his opinion.

Either way, they should be told of Any and All post-op developments.
I know you don't want to call the doctor because there's the fear that it's going to be something big and you don't want to have to deal with anything big so soon after a BIG surgery. But call the doctor. I'm sure it's something that can be taken care of with a discussion with him or his nurse.
You are still in the recovery/healing process. I, personally, had swelling in my feet and in my right foot more than the left while at home, not working, and resting them most of the day. If you are up on your feet at work, I think this is expected (in my humble opinion). In my case, my doctor was not concerned since I was not retaining fluids in other weight was stable. I was advised to restrict myself off three Ss...salt, saturated fat, and sugar while still healing.

To have peace of mind, give your doctor a call to keep him informed of any change, and keep weighing yourself to check whether you are retaining fluids in your body in general.

Keep us posted.
Please call your doctor. Why take the chance on messing up your good recovery by letting things get out of hand. Sometimes when you tend to them quickly, you avoid something more serious.

Best Wishes.