Neck Pain...

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Guys,
Just thought that I would ask and see if anyone here has had pain in the back right between the shoulder blades that also leads to pain and slight stiffness in the neck....I went out to do laundry at my brother's house and I started to have the pain in the back then this throbbing pain that went into my neck, and then I started feeling quite weak after that. I just thought I would ask so I could hopefully tell if it's something I should be worried about....Thanks in advance for any help. Harrybaby:D :eek: :D


Harry, Sorry I can't help you with that one. I am really sorry you are having yet another problem! I'd call the doctor about it. Sure hope you feel a lot better soon! Brian
I know someone will come along soon to help you with this concern. I'm old and have all sorts of aches and pains so I can't be of help. I hope you will be without this extra aggrivation soon. For me, aches and pains come all together and then resolve themselves. I hope this will be so for you too. Keep that positive attitude that you have, Harry, and I know you'll be back to speed soon.
Kind Regards,
"Hope is the beacon that will guide us safely through the storm."
I have lots of spasms in between my shoulder-blades...(and also a dodgy neck but thats due to arthritis)...My cardio keeps telling me that it is muscular these spasms and not my heart which I know but I cant help wondering if it is because of pressure from the inside.

hope it gets better...mine drive me crazy somedays
I get that something like that quite frequently, but I have no idea what the cause is. Doctor's weren't helpful at all for me, but you should probably check with yours just to be safe.

The things that I've found work best for me to relieve the muscle spasms is exercising (tends to loosen those muscles up and relieve the pain), ibuprofen and sometimes I will lie on the ground and place 2 tennis balls underneath my back on either side of the spine. You can then slowly move yourself along the ground and the tennis balls function as a nice strong massage. This saves wear and tear on loved one's hands. :)

Not sure if any of that info will benefit you, but that's what I do. Hope you feel better soon. :)
Hi Harry, sorry you are having pain.

It is unerving when you don't know the cause, that's for sure.
1) you should probably have it checked out...
2) the suggestion of the tennis ball massage is a great one, if the pain is muscular, it will sometimes hit a trigger point and releast the muscle spasm.
3) heat and or cold or both alternating can also help if it is muscular.
4) Exercise (also previously suggested) can also help if it is muscular, very gentle at first. There are lots of internet sites with good suggestions for shoulder/neck exercises. Some Chi Gung exercises also target that area.

Hope it is better soon.
Pain in the neck, well, just about everybody has that.

However, when it developes into throbbing in your neck and then you feel weak afterwards, it sounds like something you want to have checked out soon. If it were Joe, I would be asking about carotids, and jugular vein distention (which can happen with some CHF and PH). I would also be asking about portal hypertension, which can cause varices in the throat and can also come from some CHF and PH.

These are advanced issues to be sure, but then you have had CHF for a while. Better to be safe and have the doc take a look-see.
Harry I've been told that I'm a pain in the neck quite a few times :) but all kidding aside, I have arthritis in that area so I hurt a lot there. Advil helps me. Also a deep tissue massage and exercising the shoulders helps. If it doesn't get better give the doctor a call. It's better to be safe than sorry. You take care of you! Hugs & prayers coming your way.
You Bet Your Life I will be having it checked...

You Bet Your Life I will be having it checked...

Nancy said:
Pain in the neck, well, just about everybody has that.

However, when it developes into throbbing in your neck and then you feel weak afterwards, it sounds like something you want to have checked out soon. If it were Joe, I would be asking about carotids, and jugular vein distention (which can happen with some CHF and PH). I would also be asking about portal hypertension, which can cause varices in the throat and can also come from some CHF and PH.

These are advanced issues to be sure, but then you have had CHF for a while. Better to be safe and have the doc take a look-see.

Thanks Nancy,
I will certainly mention it to the doctor(s) as I know that just having what I do have is serious enough....How is Joe feeling? I hope things are doing better for him, although I bet dollars for doughnuts that he is as (pardon the pun) sick of being sick as I am.....Thanks Again, Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
Deep Tissue Massage....

Deep Tissue Massage....

Glenda said:
Harry I've been told that I'm a pain in the neck quite a few times :) but all kidding aside, I have arthritis in that area so I hurt a lot there. Advil helps me. Also a deep tissue massage and exercising the shoulders helps. If it doesn't get better give the doctor a call. It's better to be safe than sorry. You take care of you! Hugs & prayers coming your way.

I wanted to mention to you, if you do get a deep tissue massage, Please...PLEASE be careful, because I had a friend that got one of those, and she had a massive heart attack the next day after a blood clot dislodged and went to her heart (the docs told her that this was what caused the heart attack), and I just wanted to mention it to you so you can be careful, as we want "Aunt Glenda" here with us. Sending you giant (((((((Hugs)))))))) and prayers right back to ya.....Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
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