Nausea returning 4 months after surgery

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Active member
Dec 18, 2015
Boulder, CO
Has anyone experienced nausea returning a good while after surgery? Most of my daily nausea faded around 5-6 weeks after my aortic aneurysm repair. However about a week ago (15 weeks out) I've started experiencing daily nausea accompanied with a feeling I can only describe as a lump in my throat. I'm scheduled to see my cardio next week to discuss, but its gotten fairly severe. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this and if so, if you've found any relief, as its interfering with work/life pretty significantly.
Two phrases in your description "can only describe as" and "gotten fairly severe" reminded me of how I felt when I had pericardial effusion 3 months after my first AVR. I hesitated to post because I don't want to be alarmist, but it is a serious problem. If you feel you are losing ground after improving after surgery, you may need to push for being seen. I described what I was experiencing to my cardiologist and it didn't trigger a diagnosis. She told me to call back if it was still bothering me in a week. At that time she ordered an x-ray. Then things started to happen real fast. I hope I'm completely off-track, but just want to encourage you to call your doctor or even go to the ER if you start feeling worse. Here's some info:
Paleogirl;n861350 said:
Are you on any meds ?

good question

Weaning down off of 25 mg of metropolol XR, currently on 12.5 mg/day after doing a week of 25 mg, 12.5 mg alternating. Still on .5 mg of klonopin at night, that's next on the list to get off of.
DebbyA;n861352 said:
Two phrases in your description "can only describe as" and "gotten fairly severe" reminded me of how I felt when I had pericardial effusion 3 months after my first AVR. I hesitated to post because I don't want to be alarmist, but it is a serious problem. If you feel you are losing ground after improving after surgery, you may need to push for being seen. I described what I was experiencing to my cardiologist and it didn't trigger a diagnosis. She told me to call back if it was still bothering me in a week. At that time she ordered an x-ray. Then things started to happen real fast. I hope I'm completely off-track, but just want to encourage you to call your doctor or even go to the ER if you start feeling worse. Here's some info:

I appreciate the tempered response - but this is definitely worth considering. Thank you.
Have you seen your GP about this too ? Has he/she listened to your chest ? I had an issue for months following AVR which turned out not to be related to my AVR at all but it took a very good doctor thinking outside the box to discover the cause.

Let us know what the cardio says dangerousmotto ! Hope it's an easy cause to find and resolve.
Paleogirl;n861369 said:
Have you seen your GP about this too ? Has he/she listened to your chest ? I had an issue for months following AVR which turned out not to be related to my AVR at all but it took a very good doctor thinking outside the box to discover the cause.

Let us know what the cardio says dangerousmotto ! Hope it's an easy cause to find and resolve.

I haven't - I have an appt with him on the 8th. This is definitely not the best time of year to be having complications. Meanwhile this morning I feel pretty good, but the usual routine is around noon the "terribles" (as I've come to call the feeling) will start to set in. I'll be at the cardio on Tuesday and I'll give everyone an update. Thanks for your support.
DebbyA;n861762 said:
Dangerousmottto, how are you doing?

pretty good - dr thought it was simply acid reflux, so I've been on nexium for a week and the lump in my throat seems to be gone. The rest of the feeling seems to be over exertion. I was cross country skiing over the weekend at above 10,000 feet and while I felt great doing it, afterwards i got the nausea etc. I'm slowly figuring out how hard I can workout without the feeling kicking in. I've been cleared to do whatever I want, I'm just bad at holding back, honestly. Its a learning process like all of this. patience will prevail. Thank you for checking in.
Hi dangerousmotto - glad it doesn't appear to be a heart related problem. You might want to ask to be referred to a gastroenterologist about the acid reflux. Doctors these days are very quick to diagnose acid reflux and treat with proton pump inhibitors, such as nexium, without doing appropriate tess. Proton pump inhbitors reduce stomach acid but don't get rid of reflux, you end up with alkaline reflux. It's the reflux that you don't want - if that's what you have. Plus you do actually need stomach acid ! (I have experience of this). Here's a great website about acid reflux and other ways to treat it which you might want to look at: Hope this settles soon one way or another !