What are the doctors saying about his hemogliobin? Hgb of 7 would usually be an indication for transfusion or perhaps parenteral iron. That's quite low. Mine was 7 post-op and I could not tolerate it at all. I passed out when they got me out of bed. I got a transfusion and felt markedly better immediately. Now, ability to tolerate low Hgb can be better if it has developed slowly, so there might not be a need to treat it acutely. Mine was a rapid fall due to surgery and needed to be corrected quickly.
Nausea and vomitting from anesthesia are common, but I would have expected that to have subsided quickly. A lingering effect of anesthesia can be ileus, essentially paralysis of the GI tract. Even if his bowels seem to be working (passing gas, going to the bathroom OK), he could have gastric ileus, which could cause abdominal bloating, nausea and vomitting. I had a touch of this which caused just marked bloating, belching and discomfort after eating in my case, and it lasted for several weeks. Pain meds can contribute to ileus too or cause nausea and vomitting from their central nervous system effects. There are treatments for ileus, one being Reglan, which is very effective and safe short-term (not so safe long-term).
Anyway, I hope Eric will feel better from here on out.
Bill, the pharamcist