Nancy, how are you?

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I see your posts and my thoughts always turn to how you are doing.
So far, I'm doing OK. I have had 4 out of 6 chemos. Had the fourth one on last Tues. Chemo week is a little rough, but after that things improve and my body can recover and I feel quite well. Treatments are scheduled every 3 weeks. The nausea and vomiting are very well controlled, little bit of queasiness, but that's controlled with medication.

My arm has taken a hit from all the chemo injections, but it does seem to recover. Chemo is very irritating to your veins. They want to try to finish up w/o putting a port in and I think that will work out.

After chemo, then radiation for 6 weeks, and then hormone suppressors for 5 years. Onco says radiation will be a walk in the park compared to chemo, we'll see.

So all in all, not too bad. It's doable.
Goodness!! You must be going through alot. I wish all the best in your treat ment and you are in my thoughts. I dont post often but do read up on how all are doing. You sound quite positive about all thats going on. You are very strong.
Lots of love,
Hi Nancy

Hi Nancy

I think of you often, too. You are so brave. How is Joe taking this? I know he hates to see you feeling poorly after chemo. :( I will continue to think of you :) Bonnie
Nancy, I feel for you too. I went through the same thing but I had radiation first, then chemo. I know sometimes it gets very tough and you wonder "Why me Lord, what did I ever do." But, you will make it and be stronger for it. Just think how strong you have been for Joe over all these years. Now it's his time to be strong for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are so important to everyone on this forum. You offer such wonderful advice. I've missed seeing your posts. I sincerely pray that you will get feeling better.
Hi Nancy...

Hi Nancy...

Hi Nancy,
I must have missed something somewhere, but I hear your dealing with cancer? My God....I hope you are doing well, and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Your in my thoughts and prayers....Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Hi Nancy, glad to hear that you are hanging in there! A port will probably make a great deal of difference. Where will they put it? Do you know?

With your attitude a cancer cell wouldn't dare stay in your body! It would be scared out by your wonderful attitude and spirit.

Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you and sending you positive energy.
They're going to try to do without the port. I only have 2 more treatments to go, so I guess the veins will hold up for that. A port would be another surgical procedure, like to avoid that if possible.

Joe's doing OK through it all. He was a little rattled at first, but as each chemo goes by and he can see that I am able to recover between, it makes it a whole lot easier. The down time is only about 4-5 days, and things turn around.

Thanks for all the good wishes.
Nancy, I too think of you so often and the heavy things you are carrying.
I'm glad to hear you're on the home stretch of chemo. When I was on IV Flagyl and IV Cipro my veins became very sclerotic. Now, 8 months later, they seem normal again. Some drugs are just so caustic! I hope you can avoid having a port since you are close to the end. Hang in there, Nancy. You have an army of people here behind you and a steady stream of prayers ascending.

Glad to hear you're almost done with the chemo! My Dad had 6 months of chemo after colon cancer surgery and was also able to "tough it out" without the port, but it wasn't easy coming down the stretch. I hope everything continues to go well for you! :)
Well, I guess I have been in the dark, too............

Well, I guess I have been in the dark, too............

just like Harry. Ever since school kicked back up, I haven't had much time to read the posts. Sorry.

I, like everyone else, am amazed by your strength and positive attitude - Glenda's, too by the way. You guys are such troopers and truly set the example for everyone else here.

Please keep us posted as to how things are going, and you will definitely be added to our prayer list. Many hugs.
Thank you Nancy for telling us. There is a certain strangeness when we come together every day and don't find you here. After these years of seeing you every day, it is lonely without you when you don't post. But we know you are there somewhere even if you're not seen as often as usual. You are the mother of the site and everybody needs you - Everyone has listened to your wise advice and many have taken it. You are pretty special.

p.s. Glad to know that Joe is hangin in there. Tell him 'hey'.
Best wishes to you Nancy. From all I've heard from friends who have endured the same road to recovery, the radiation will be a piece of cake in comparison to the chemo. Hang in there and know that all your friends at are rooting for you.
Best wishes to you, Nancy. Please keep us informed as to how you're doing. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Angel, you bring tears to my eyes.

You are in my prayers.

Give it your best shot!

I wish you courage and patience for this trial you are undertaking. Living with it every day has to be extremely hard on you and your husband. We will be waiting for the good results down the road.

Very best wishes,