Ever since about 3 weeks post op, I've developed this dry cough that is absolutely driving me crazy. I can hardly sleep at night some nights because I'm coughing so much. I thought it might be allergies, but it's gone on way too long and I have never experienced this before (except when I was on Analapril at one point about two years ago...and then got off immediately because of a similar cough). Post surgery, I was only on aspirin, atenolol and altace. I asked my nurse practitioner about the cough and she agreed that I should stop the altace (given that my BP was fine...and it hasn't changed with stopping the ace inhibitor). I've been off of altace for a week and a half now and still have the cough. Anyone ever experience this?
Other than the nagging cough, I've been doing great! I'm 10 weeks post op tomorrow and I have had a wonderful recovery (knock on wood). If I could just get rid of the cough so that I could sleep a little better, all would be wonderful.
Thanks in advance to anyone that can give some insight into my cough.
Other than the nagging cough, I've been doing great! I'm 10 weeks post op tomorrow and I have had a wonderful recovery (knock on wood). If I could just get rid of the cough so that I could sleep a little better, all would be wonderful.
Thanks in advance to anyone that can give some insight into my cough.