Hello Friends,
Well I thought I would let you know how my appointment went this morning with the Neurologist. Please forgive me if I sound negative, angry and depressed, but this is how I am feeling right now.
After waiting 45mins to see the Neurologist, I eventually got seen. He asked me how I was and I explained that I had been unwell with two recent episodes, with the one last Monday being particularly frightening. I explained how my vision in my left eye completely grayed out as it did last year. He then went on to explain that he thinks it was a visual migraine!! Well I told him in no uncertain terms that I disagree with him. I explained that I suffer from migraine too and that I know the difference. He was quite defensive and explained that he is a World expert on Migraine (something I never knew before).
I had printed off all the replies I have received on valvereplacement.com and when I went to show him and explain that I am not alone in experiencing these, he made it very clear that he was not interested. He said I am being very anxious about things, I said "who wouldn't be anxious and upset with these episodes". He said perhaps counselling or drugs (such as Valium) would help deal with this. I was furious!! Cant you believe it! I could have cried there and then. I got the distinct impression he was pushing me to one side. He said "I've been seeing you for a year now and we have investigated you extensively, but cannot find a definitive cause for these episodes". Yet, following my MRI last year I was told I have lessions on the brain showing previous TIA and that's why he put me on Diprydimole to stop the blood platelets sticking together!! I was also told I had a kink in one of my Carotids. An ultrasound was performed and I was told the flow was normal! I honestly don't know what's truth and not anymore. I think he's sick of me because he thought it was TIA and put me on a drug and now I'm getting further episodes he's not sure what the hell it is.
My Cardiologist told me last Friday that he had dicussed me with the Neurologist and when I mentioned this today, the Neurologist said he couldn't remember what was said!! He said he has no objection to me seeking a 2nd opinion if I wish and he will supply me with a letter detailing what investigations I have had. What should I do?? I am not imagining these epsiodes and they ARE NOT MIGRAINE!! And I hate doctors this afternoon!!
I'm both frustrated and upset as I type this posting to you.
Perhaps I should just drop the whole thing. I'm sick of it all and not being taken seriously.
All these tests, consultations etc have been done privately, God help anyone in my country who is dependant on the National Health Service.
I also tried to explain how these weird happenings have only ever been present since my valve replacement. He said that's just a coincidence and that had it not been for my heart history they would have suspected it to be migraine from the start. He said I'm fixated with them being caused because of my valve surgery.
Oh God I can't tell you how angry and upset I am. But, right now I keep thinking of all the families involved with the NYC disaster. My heart goes out to them.
God Bless,
Well I thought I would let you know how my appointment went this morning with the Neurologist. Please forgive me if I sound negative, angry and depressed, but this is how I am feeling right now.
After waiting 45mins to see the Neurologist, I eventually got seen. He asked me how I was and I explained that I had been unwell with two recent episodes, with the one last Monday being particularly frightening. I explained how my vision in my left eye completely grayed out as it did last year. He then went on to explain that he thinks it was a visual migraine!! Well I told him in no uncertain terms that I disagree with him. I explained that I suffer from migraine too and that I know the difference. He was quite defensive and explained that he is a World expert on Migraine (something I never knew before).
I had printed off all the replies I have received on valvereplacement.com and when I went to show him and explain that I am not alone in experiencing these, he made it very clear that he was not interested. He said I am being very anxious about things, I said "who wouldn't be anxious and upset with these episodes". He said perhaps counselling or drugs (such as Valium) would help deal with this. I was furious!! Cant you believe it! I could have cried there and then. I got the distinct impression he was pushing me to one side. He said "I've been seeing you for a year now and we have investigated you extensively, but cannot find a definitive cause for these episodes". Yet, following my MRI last year I was told I have lessions on the brain showing previous TIA and that's why he put me on Diprydimole to stop the blood platelets sticking together!! I was also told I had a kink in one of my Carotids. An ultrasound was performed and I was told the flow was normal! I honestly don't know what's truth and not anymore. I think he's sick of me because he thought it was TIA and put me on a drug and now I'm getting further episodes he's not sure what the hell it is.
My Cardiologist told me last Friday that he had dicussed me with the Neurologist and when I mentioned this today, the Neurologist said he couldn't remember what was said!! He said he has no objection to me seeking a 2nd opinion if I wish and he will supply me with a letter detailing what investigations I have had. What should I do?? I am not imagining these epsiodes and they ARE NOT MIGRAINE!! And I hate doctors this afternoon!!
I'm both frustrated and upset as I type this posting to you.
Perhaps I should just drop the whole thing. I'm sick of it all and not being taken seriously.
All these tests, consultations etc have been done privately, God help anyone in my country who is dependant on the National Health Service.
I also tried to explain how these weird happenings have only ever been present since my valve replacement. He said that's just a coincidence and that had it not been for my heart history they would have suspected it to be migraine from the start. He said I'm fixated with them being caused because of my valve surgery.
Oh God I can't tell you how angry and upset I am. But, right now I keep thinking of all the families involved with the NYC disaster. My heart goes out to them.
God Bless,