I had an eleven a.m. dental cleaning with regular dentist office. I had asked that I see the dentist before my cleaning..had a toothache in far back for several weeks.....So, yesterday a.m. I took my Inr. 3.3.......took my 4 Amox's 1 hour before and was walking out the door..when they called to tell me my dental hygienist had to leave due to an illness in family. I asked if I could still come down and let my dentist look at my back teeth. Yes..so i went and was called right back. He popped in, looked and said, it needs to come out..Popped out of room after he had numbed me.. I said to nurse. well that was quick..I'm glad I pre- -medicated. he jumped back into room and said. YOU are on coumadin?I said, yes..but not to worry. I don't worry about bleeding. He said O.K. extracted. packed and I removed pack when I got home ..NO BLEEDING... Did have to take 2 pain meds due to ear hurting. I think he was really rushed to get out door by noon. Glad, I would have had to come off coumadin if he had looked at my paperwork. Everything worked out great...Bonnie