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I saw a new Dentist today. I was still having on and off pain in teeth. My Dentist told me I had TMJ and needed root canal. I have checked out the symptoms of TMJ and the only thing I have is moving pain. Sometimes it hurts on the top sometimes on the bottom . It does not last all day. Well this new Dentist took a x-ray of the tooth that I thought was bothering me and asked if I had sinus trouble. I dont know if I have sinus problem. He said the xray of the tooth shows a white line above the gum line which indicates a sinus problem. He wants me to take Sudafed as he feels that will get rid of the sinus problem and my pain. I once read people with heart probems can not take decongestants. I had my valve repaired 2 months ago and my Cardio says every thing that was englarged on my echo is now normal size. This new Dentist is calling my Cardio and Surgeon to find out if I can take a decongestant. Is it possible a decongestant can take away my pain. In the past year I have had 2 root canals one of them failed and I lost the tooth one week before my heart surgery. I never had steady pain in any tooth it took the Endodontist 3 months to find which tooth was bad. Has anyone ever had tooth pain that came from the sinuses. Would appreciate any answers