My surgical consult at Shands got postponed!

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2007
Tequesta, Fl.
Darn. I've been pysching myself up to go up there, get a CT scan and meet with the surgical folks this Thursday. Today, they called to re-schedule because the doctor has to go out of town for something.

It's a let down and now I have to go through this interminable waiting all over again.

An interesting note was the lady who schedules for the doctor told me they have 6 guys with the same bicuspid aortic valve issue I have, ranging in ages from early 30's to early 70's. One of the others has apparently decided not to do anything until he has symptoms-no echos, no follow up, nothing. That doesn't seem wise to me.

I guess that is a good thing to have a number of AVR patients in addition to the mitral valve and other patients he has.

But I feel let down. I was really looking forward to getting some answers. Maybe next week!

Hi, sorry to hear that your appointment was postponed. I know exactly what you mean about the ''waiting'' ......its very difficult. Mabey youve been given this extra time to prepare some never know, you just might think of something improtant you would have forgotten to ask!!!!! Best Wishes.
Everything happens for a reason. Maybe your doc is going to a seminar where he will learn some wonderful new technique to use. It'll all work out.
As I've told many that come through, don't question it, don't even be disappointed. It will happen when its its time to happen and not a moment sooner. Perhaps there weren't enough pygmies in the rain forest or maybe the planet alignment is out of whack, take it easy and don't let it get to you.