My surgery was a success...

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Ray Norsworthy

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2011
Boise, Idaho
obviously or I wouldn't be posting this! Ha. The surgeon had to do a full sternotomy because years ago I had a lipoma removed from my sternum & it left a hole. When I woke up I joked about ordering a pizza. A few hours later I walked all the way down the hall & back. From surgeon on down to the aids, they all said it was the fastest recovery they'd ever seen (I wonder if they tell a lot of people this). So fast, in fact, they decided if there were no complications I would get out on Wed., the 3rd day after surgery! But naturally there were complications. On Wed. morning I went into atrial fib with an elevated heart rate. Made me as sick as I've ever been in my life, I think. They gave me a shock treatment & when I didn't respond within 2 days they gave me another. That time it did the trick. I went back into sinus rhythm & stayed there, thank goodness. I've been back home for 3 days now & I can walk about a mile before I get tired. I also putter around the yard & house. I'm feeling great, much better than expected.

I owe you guys an apology for not posting that day before the surgery, but man, was I discombobulated. Not from fear, but nervousness (there is a difference). This site helped me enormously & I hope to repay some of the kindness directed at me. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
Good to hear from you, Ray, and how well you are doing.

Good work. Wishing you continued great recovery.
Welcome home Ray, remember your still in recovery, although it doesn't sound like it :smile2: Be good to yourself and try not to do too too much.
My friends, it does feel wonderful to have it done. No more dreading, just a renewed determination to make sure I don't wind up back in the hospital. I saw the surgeon today & he can't believe my progress. I must admit, I'm a little surprised, too. I knew I was in good shape, but with my size & age I thought it would be more of a challenge. I'll be posting little tidbits here & there as the days go by. Right now I'm only spending a half-hour in front of the computer. The biggest challenge is just restraining myself, but I can & will do it.
Hi Ray, I am new here, but I do believe that you are the person I read about when I first found the site...your surgery date got pushed back?? Due to a blood count issue?? If that is you, I am so glad to hear that you are through the surgery, I thought about you alot. I had mine on the 3rd of Aug....doing very well too, will write my story soon. Take care and hang in there, I know I am.

