My Surgery scheduled for 7/6/09

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Active member
Jan 29, 2009
Concord NH
Well guys perseverance has paid off. My Surgery is scheduled for 7/6/09 at Beth Isreal Deaconese Medical Center Boston by dr. Kamal Knabbaz. My pre- op is on 6/18/09. I am not sure what's up but ever since my cardiac cath on 5/29 I am so much more SOB with doing even less than before, and so much more tired than before. And well if this is not stressful enough for my mother who has had 2 valve replacements in the past to have her daughter going through open heart surgery for the same condition as you but my step father her husband we just found out will be going in for OHS the same day. I am very stressed now due to the fact that I am her caregiver and chapperone for my mother when her husband is unable. I am planning on a mechanical valave but a little overwhelmed with all the information out there? How feasible/ soon can I start looking into home montioring for INR's? So for all you "experts" out there who have been throughout this any words of wisdom?? Encouragement??
Thank you so much everyone!
Wow! That's a lot to swallow. I hope you and your step-dad's surgeries go well and your recoveries are smooth. Is there any family/friends to help your mom while you are both down? Will you at least be in the same hospital? I'll be praying for you all.
Wow indeed! Jessie, welcome aboard. Sorry about your circumstances, but glad you are getting things taken care of. I think you will need to find some other folks to care for all of you during the first month of your recovery. After that you should start to feel much better. I had my OHS at Deaconess, and am doing well all these years later. Hope that is a comfort. Please do contact social services at the hospital about home care for all of you. Brian
Hopefully you can line up another relative to help out with the caregiving.
I was fortunate enough to have a great neighbour who cooked us dinners for several weeks.
Yes, it is a good idea to start looking into the availability of home monitors in your area.
I also bought a blood pressure monitor.
You can do this. :)
Hi Jessie, and welcome!

That is a lot to take in for you all at once, certainly! I concur with the above - if possible, see if you can't get some extra help - it will be way too much for you to handle on your own when you are trying to recover yourself.

I can't offer any words of wisdom for mechanical valves, but there's lots of info in the "valve selection" forum (check the stickys at the top of the page) and lots of folks on here who will chime in.

Don't be afraid to vent and ask questions, it's what we're all here for!

Hi Jessie,alot for you happening and you all remain in my prayers.

zipper2 (DEB)
Wishing you a warm welcome. As others havesaid, you certainly have alot on your plate. Hopefully externded family and/or friends will be able to help out during this time. This is not the time to be shy for asking for help. Prayers and best wishes,
Good luck to you. I will pray for you and your step dad and you mother. She will have a very stressful day with both you in surgery.