My St. Jude is 15!

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Although it has been almost 29 years since my first MVR, today marks the 15th valversary of my St. Jude implant. I find it so very hard to believe either of these timeframes. It just seems impossible that so much time has passed.

I fully expect to get another 45 years or so from this St. Jude as I plan to live to 100 and do not want another surgery. Hopefully God will read these lines and grant my wish.

I spoke to my surgeon recently and he said he was thrilled to hear all was mostly well considering he had his doubts of me making it unscathed through my third OHS. I told him it was only because of his expertise with tough cases and his willingness to take his time to discuss things with us. I went into the surgery with a very high emotional confidence and that is so very important to getting though all this. The physical can be the easiest part; it is the mental part that gets us over the mountain.

Wishing long valve life to all those out there. Thanks for letting me stick around
Congratulations on your 15th valversary GeeBee! Here's wishing you at least another 60 more years --- that would probably make you the oldest valve recipient around!

I pray you never, ever have to go thru another OHS again & that you stay well for many, many more years to come! :)

Stay well my friend!
Wow Gina, what a mountain you have climbed. Congratulations on your 15 years. I'm coming up on three so I have alot of catching up to do. ;) I pray the Lord will bless you with many,many more till you reach your goal of 100+.
Thank you for all your wonderful caring and advise you give to so many on the forum. :) Hope you enjoyed your blessing of a day!.
Congraulations Gina.......Inspiration you are,God bless
Enjoy many ,many happy long years to come :)

zipper2 (DEB)
Congratulations there geebee.

I pray that your wish does come true; I for one am so very grateful that YOU have stuck around and hope you continue to do so.


Here's to you girl, may you have many, many more.

Happy 15th! Anniversary. You are a true Valve Warrior! (Be careful - next year it will want a driver's license!)

Wishing you many many more wonderful anniversary.
Well, I didn't get a tiara for my Quinceanera ;):D but we did have a great time. We went out for lunch and then visited Loveland Castle (a local landmark). It was raining but quite warm so who cares. I am on vacation this coming week so we have a few other things planned.

Thanks for all your wonderful wishes and thoughts.
Congratulations on your 15th anniversary Gina.

It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.
(Henry Ward Beecher)​