My Mom

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I registered on this site not as a patient but the daughter of one. I live in New Jersey and my mother lives in Flordia. She is post mitral valve replacement 20 years ago, but is now sick with a disease aortic valve. She has been in and out of the hosptial 4 times these past 2 weeks and I am now told she is having kidney failure caused by the valve not being able to deliver proper oxygen to the body. I was told that she is faced with a double-edged sword; they want to do a cath which the dye could futher damage her kidneys yet if she doesn;t have the cath and valve replacement she will just continue back and forth into the hospital. I am not comfortable with the Florida Hospitals. Her first surgery was done at St Michael's in Newark 20 years ago. Does anyone know of a good thoracic surgeon in Florida (her area is Ft. Lauderdale) and what hospital he would be affiliated. Can someone be transferred to a New York Hospital at request. I am so confused and frighten. She is high risk and I feel no connection with any doctor or hospital in Florida. Anyone have any advice for me.
When my husband had to have his last cath, his kidneys were not in good shape. His cardiologists gave him some medication prior to the cath to protect his kidneys. I know there are two, maybe more, medications they can give to protect the kidneys. I wish I could remember the names. But ask the cards about this.

He came through his cath just fine.
I think one of them is sodium bicarbonate, but the other escapes me. I'm not sure if they were given in pill form, liquid or by IV.

Maybe it was a liquid because I do remember the card. saying it had a terrible taste.
To Nancy

To Nancy

Thanks for your reply. I know of the other med prior to cath - its mucomist or something like that. But I was told that even with that her kidneys may not do well.

Tomorrow she has her cardiology consult and I will get some answers. I would really like her to come up to the NY, NJ area for surgery but stabilizing her is the difficult task.
I know we have several active members who had their surgery in the New York city area..Slow on weekends on the forums..but, I'm sure they will come along in the next fews days and post to you..What is your Mom's age? My aunt had open-heart surgery for by-pass when she was age 85 and did great.:) I agree, she does need to be with family..during the surgery and then coming home..Bonnie
One of the Cleveland Clinics is in Ft Ldle and I think there are two others. You can't go wrong with Cleveland Clinic. There is also Shands in Gainesville - we've had two or 3 members have surgery there. I had mine in Pensacola (not valve, tho) and one other member had valve surg in Pensacola and seemed very happy about it.
hi lsilk,
i'm sorry to hear about your mom's difficulties. there are quite a few folks here who've had surgeries done in fla. i'm sure they 'll come along soon.. if not, do a search on this forum for fla. surgeries or surgeons or even just members and try to contact them that way?

my husband had his surgery done in nyc by dr. paul stelzer. he is a wonderful man and talented surgeon. there are many great surgeons here in nyc.
the only concern that would stand in my way would be that transporting your mother might be too much for her, considering her age and condition.

maybe i'm wrong, but if you could contact the cleveland clinic there, maybe they would have some suggestions for you? i'm sorry i was unable to help more.

please keep us posted.
Would the cardiology practice you work for be willing to give you some suggestions about surgeons here in Florida? I've moved many times and each time, my doctors seem to know other doctors personally in many other states and can recommend someone to you. Just a thought. Linda

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