My mom again

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COLLEEN S Supporter
Supporting Member
May 5, 2008
Maryland, USA
You guys know the story of my mom, I told about it on previous thread. She just came back from her GP...he is telling her that with COPD, the surgeon may opt NOT to do surgery on her. To refresh memories she is 74, active, quit smoking in April of this year after being long time heavy smoker, with 4.7cm aneurysm, no valve problem...she lost 10% of her lung function. Her PFT came back heavily compromised. I told her she needs to see a pulmonologist and a cardio, she has never seen either!!! She puts too much faith in hands of her long time GP! I told her to make the appt with the pulm guy and then worry about surgery? Comments, thoughts are appreciated! Especially ANYONE WITH COPD WHO HAS HAD HEART SURGERY OF ANY KIND.
Thanks guys,
Yes, she definitely needs to see a pulmonologist. Joe's lung problems (among other things) are what prevented him from having his needed 4th surgery. The surgeon said he would not make it off the table.
What I have is very similar to COPD and I'm severally compromised in lung function. I cannot get rid of Carbon Dioxide very well.

At her age, without seeing her PFT results, I can't really speculate, but she may not be a good candidate. You certainly will have to see a Pulmonologist and Cardiologist to make that determination. I know older people are stubborn as heck and generally will believe anything their doctors tell them, so it's important that someone take her and be with her, to these appointments. I've found that they also have selective hearing if someone isn't present.
I do not know much about COPD either. I would suggest calling a cardio and pulm. doctor and making appointments for her. Then take her. She may be upset but they may be able to help her too. Best of luck, tough situation.
Yes I would definitely suggest she finds a Pulmonary spec & makes an appt soon.

I was just referred to one by my cardio because my faulty mitral valve has now caused my pulmonary pressures to go up. I am already on medication for PH so perhaps medication could help your mom w/her issues.

Good luck.
My Mom had COPD about 10 or so year ago she had surgery for AAA and 2 femoral bypasses and had a very tough time of it. 5 or so years ago she had a CABG and had another very rough time, ended up trached ect. after a couple months she got off the vent but was never able to get off O2
I second everyone elses advice
Thanks for all the responses. My mom said today that she made the Pulmonary appointment but says she wont go to a cardio yet....? Ugh! I live 8 hours from sisters live 5 minutes but so far are only "gently suggesting" to mom that she see a cardio. Man, I may have to drive 8 hours and take her there myself!
What I have is very similar to COPD and I'm severally compromised in lung function. I cannot get rid of Carbon Dioxide very well.

At her age, without seeing her PFT results, I can't really speculate, but she may not be a good candidate. You certainly will have to see a Pulmonologist and Cardiologist to make that determination. I know older people are stubborn as heck and generally will believe anything their doctors tell them, so it's important that someone take her and be with her, to these appointments. I've found that they also have selective hearing if someone isn't present.

GEEEZ Ross you must know my dad;)

Best of luck Colleen and yep my dad is 85 and copd your mom should see
someone my parents are 8 hours away,are here today as were looking into some housing issues for their move here,and they are now chickening out;)
wanna stay in their own 8 hr away home:eek:im having a blast of a day,so to speak......Good luck and God Bless
I hope all goes well with your mom, I am one month out of aneurysm surgery and the CT scan that found the aneurysm, found moderate severe COPD, I had the surgery and was sent home with instructions to buy a nebulizer and a script for the inhalation solution. I have to use it every day as the COPD is making my surgery recovery difficult. I smoked for 30 years and quit 10 years ago (I am 56). They chose to do my surgery before the COPD got worse. I really hope your mom listens to her doctors ....Godspeed.