My Knight in Shining Fur

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My Mighty Solomon, who would lay down his life for me, has protected me today from....................................
MY PURSE!!!! He saw it in the corner of the room and valiantly stood and growled until I showed him my purse was defeated..whipped down..THE MIGHTY SOLOMON HAS WON AGAIN!!
Yes, he took my purse on, snarling ..and snapping , fur on end...
I am afraid my mighty Solomon is loosing his sight...
this really did happen, he was so sure something in that corner was after us.. alas..just the vicious purse... Ladies we must remember to put our purses out of our knight s vision... as it can be misconstrued as an invader.
Sorry to hear Solomon is losing his sight but happy to hear he is still capable of defending you from monsters and demons.

My cats are constantly protecting the house from flies, crickets, Q-tips, dust bunnies, and birds that fly outside the windows. I would be in dire straights without their constant vigilance.
Isn't is great to know that our pets are there for us no matter what!
One Christmas, at my restaurant, we would always shut early and throw the crew a party... exchange gifts,knowing my love for wolves an employee bought me these cutest little pair of wolf slippers, I loved them!!
Sol was just a pup.. well ..he .. uh... assaulted my slippers. :eek: .. being just a pup he didnt know..I had to hide the slippers after that... never could wear them... :p wasnt funny then, but I do grin about it
My cute little 3 year old terrier mix attacks all four-legged animals on the television. Altho I've had many dogs over the years, I've never had one who persisted in guarding the homestead from all electronic furries.

It's a little disconcerting in the middle of the night when we've left the tube on and she parades around on the bed growling and snarling.
My 4 yr old Cocoa I think was born nearsited. She will viciously bark at hubby until he is closer to the door. Makes me wonder about her nose too. :-D Sometimes at me too. Wish she wouldn't bark at doorbells that are on the radio/tv either.
After my mother-in-law died I was given her mink stole. I was getting ready to wear it to a fancy function so I set it on the couch. My 2 cats, at the time, decided that they would show that nasty mink whose house it really was. They peed all over the stole! :eek:


You might want to have a vet check your dog out.
We got our first cat, a 5MO blue tabby domestic shorthair, in December 1980. In 1996, we noticed his having trouble seeing. It was obvious that Rocky was going blind. Our vet checked him over & referred us to a DVM ophthalmologist. Voila! our cat was blind because of high blood pressure. He was put on atenolol. I believe the blindness was related to dwindling renal function.

Of course, this might not be the case with Solomon. But if it appears to be a recurring pattern, you might want him checked by your vet.

My parents once had a "flat cat," a photograph of a cat on cardboard poster. They'd bring it out when I brought a cat to visit them. My cat would always think it was the real McCoy -- hair go up on end, ears down, hissing.
I haven't seen the flat cat in quite a while. Maybe one of my parents' great-granddogs took care of it. :eek:

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