My Kind of Town...Chicago Is

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Robt Z

Where did the time go?
Am I really home now?
Feel like I still wanna go
To the reunion pow wow

The Ram was fun
Good food for all
so much love in that room
we all had a ball

The speakers who spoke
Told of their tales
As they did speak
Them Cubbies bats' did wail

The piano was played
By Billy our pal
And we all did sing
Til them marathoners' did howl!

Oh somewhere there are surgeries
and sometimes valves are replaced
but at the reunion
we all were happy faced

So to you my newest friends
and to you who could not attend
you are part of a wonderful group
and there is no heart you could not mend
Beautiful Robert! Never knew we had such talent amongst us.

Next year you must have it ready to tune! We wanna sing it along with Jean's reunion theme song!

Paul, please locate a piano we can use without upsetting management.:) Or maybe they were in a huff because we were all "sitting" on the lobby bed:D
That was great Robert! Very nicely put. Yes, we'll have to get a tune for that one too. Hopefully next year we can find a piano where the management will let us sing! Now we'll have two great songs to sing. You reflected on our reunion , quite eloquently! Thank You!

Gina, you're right. It was probably because of the lobby bed!:D :D
Wow, Robert! That is EXCELLENT :). Thanks for sharing! A definite perfect "pal" to Jean's reunion theme song :).

And, as several of us mentioned, if people were really complaining about the piano, then they woulda been complaining even more a half hour before when we were so noisy (er, I mean quitely celebrating) in the room...........

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 30/swm
AIM=fc72mc ... YIM=knightfan2691
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB:
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My MC Family:
RIP: '76=Parents' [my] MC ... '88 MC LS ... '00 "mc" LS
Spotting MCs:


Hey Robert!

Maybe we oughtta get together and write some real songs....ya think. That was great! Did you think that one up on your drive home, or what??
And, as several of us mentioned, if people were really complaining about the piano, then they woulda been complaining even more a half hour before when we were so noisy (er, I mean quitely celebrating) in the room...........
Somewhere in America, there is a cell phone tower that isn't too happy with you folks. It's still vibrating and making strange noises from your transmission. :D
Hello Hello

Hello Hello

Hello My Friends
sure hated to see the reunion end
still tired from the fun
hope be at the next one

I wrote all this stuff
Sitting on my duff
It's not very tough
It's real life that is rough

Well I guess I gotta rise
And get moving on this new day
Dottie just made a sigh
So with her I'm gonna play

Dont know about you
But I had much fun in the pool
The jacuzzi was nice too
That's when Cort and I were not with you

These poems just come to me
Dont know how they're gonna be
They sorta take emotion outta me
And help me feel free

A new day is here
I'm happy to be alive
Although I'm a bit melancholy
to be happy I will strive
Photo album.

Photo album.


I just LOVE your poems!! You described the reunion beautifully. It would be really cool if we could blend your poems with the pictures. I'm going to collect copies of everyone?s pictures from reunions past and make a big photo album to bring to next years reunion.

It was such a pleasure to meet you and Dottie. If you?re ever close to Cortez, you just gotta bring Dottie over to meet Onyx. :)

We'll make sure Dottie is welcome where ever we end up next year. She's a reunion must!
Dottie was very well behaved....

Dottie was very well behaved....

I think Dottie would be a good influence on Onyx. :p
those were great!!!

those were great!!!

hi robt!
just got home last night... it was so wonderful to meet you at the reunion. i'm sorry that we missed thursday night. sounds like you guys had a ball!!! keep writing those... we love 'em!
by the way, did dottie go swimming too???

hi rain!
i think your idea of pairing your poems with the photos for an "album" is a great one!

hi cort!
how are you feeling? leg getting better? i LOVE the photo!! now we can all see how young and handsome you are!!!

be well all, sylvia


Robt T
That was great thoses poems are supper!It wouldn't have been the same with out Dottie. I can't tell you how much fun we had. Sat night we went to bed before your sing along. I heard it and look out over the wall and saw you all. I almost came down with my PJ's on. I enjoyed meeting everyone you could fell the love .
there. Billy is a sweetheart thanks for the CD for my mom.

Sherrin Hutt
Mitir Valve repair 4/99
Mirti Valve repalcement 3/02
St jude Valve
Protime machine

Hey hey! Glad to see you and Joey made it home OK :) I'm feeling OK...leg is better...think I may be getting a cold tho :( LOL! Irony rocks :)


Why, thank ya ;). Now, if only I could find a single female to think the same thing...LOL!
Cubbies v. Yanks?????

Cubbies v. Yanks?????

Dem dear Cubbies
Are tryin' hard
To get to da series
To cheer their mob

Da Yanks too are tryin'
To get dere again
Dey've won it alot
Can dey do it again?

Each day is a game
the whole woild is watchin'
Da Series will be great
da fans will be marchin'

I'm rootin fer da Yanks
I always did so
Would love ta see da Cubs
dere fans go wo wo

But dem marlins & dem Bosox
Alive as I write
Wont go away easy
They'll put up a fight

Cant go on no longer
Cant say no more
Gotta watch that tv
Gotta see dem bums score!
Hey Robert,
I really like your poems. It was sure Great to meet you and Dottie at the reunion. It was a Great Time
Take Care

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
thanks dave

thanks dave

It was my pleasure to meet you. Too bad dem poor cubbies lost 3 in a row. It would have been nice to see 'em in the Series. I'll be rooting for the Yanks tomorrow. RZ

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