My heart is so confusing

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Michelle D

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2010
Today I had cardio rehab for the first time. The higher my heart rate the less frequent the PVCs. Once I got over 140bpm NO PVCs!! Then when I go under 80 I have them every third beat. I'm guessing once I'm off sotalol and any betablockers I won't have as many PVCs. I wonder what this means? I guess I know why Xanax doesn't help anymore.
I am not sure why you feel the meds are are causing the PVCs, but i guess it is possible. I kind of think the amioderone made everything with my heart work worse,,, except for getting rid of afib. I also get less PVCs when I am working out. In fact, I seem to feel much better all over when I work out. One thing I did find is that the PVCs seems to get better as I healed.

Give it time and stay on the treadmill.
for some reason i thought the beta blockers are supposed to help with the PVC's and not cause them.

if it makes you feel any better, i never had palpitations in my whole life. however, ever since 3 months after my heart surgery, i get them all the time and all day long. my cardiologist has assured me 5 times now that they are not dangerous it is okay to have them. he also said that i may have had them before but that i might be feeling them now because my heart beat is so strong.

i find it pointless to take xanax unless you are having a panic attack emergency with the PVC's.
I've had PVCs for years and they used to be caused by anxiety so Xanax would work. Since surgery they seem to be caused by relaxing. The more relaxed I am the more PVCs I have. My heart rate was normally 100 bpm prior to surgery but since surgery it's gone as low as 60 bpm, maybe lower. So I think my heart doesn't want to slow down. I felt great on the treadmill and even better on the rowing machine where I got my heart rate the highest. I think the betablockers lowering my heart rate is why I have more.
It is my understanding that Sotalol is primarly used to suppresss Atrial Fibrilation.
I have no idea how it would affect PAC/PVC's (if at all).
That would be a Good Question for your Cardio (or Pharmacist).

Beta Blockers such as Toprol, Toprol XL, and several others I never seem to remember are more commonly used to treat PAC / PVC issues.

'AL Capshaw'
I think anything that lowers my heart rate will contribute to the PVCs. When I get off the Sotalol I'll need to find one that doesn't affect my heart rate, if there is such a thing.
Slowing the heart rate is not always a bad thing. For instance, coreg slows your heart and also helps it pump better. If you have a perfectly normal heart size you may not need these drugs, but beta blockers like coreg can protect your heart from increased dilation. Since dilation leads to valves that leak, it is worth thinking about.

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