Yeah, little bad karma in there from somewhere.... Ouch.
The Canadian health care system is nice if you don't need service right away, otherwise, it's a pain in the arse and sometimes, near deadly.
I don't know what your health is like now, but if you're at ALL symptomatic, don't put off the surgery. A few months or more delay can see your heart go down the tubes fast and it will be harder to recover, if you're not in the best of shape now.
On the plus side, you have someone already in place to watch the kids and they're young.
My son was three when I had surgery last year. He didn't see me for over two months, though we talked on the phone almost every night for the month before I got home. I wasn't talking much to anyone the first month in the hospital....
My wife spent that first month with me in Cleveland. She talked to her son every night, but was 200+ miles away for a long time.
When we finally got home, Patrick was nearly beside himself.
My father and my wife dropped me off at home first then went to pick him up. I took the time alone to take a shower in my own house (GAWD THAT FELT GOOD) and change. When they got back, patrick came FLYING into the house, racing as fast as he could through the kitchen and into the living room where I was sitting screaming, "DADDY'S HOME! DADDY'S HOME! DADDY'S HOME!" Then he tripped over his feet as he entered the living room and promptly spring back up and raced back out into the kitchen screaming, "LOOK MOMMY, DADDY'S HOME!"
He'd grown a lot while I was away.... Those are awfully strong memories for me.
Patrick was 3 at the time, he adjusted pretty well. He hating being away, he hated not being able to sit on my lap or listen to me read to him, his tiny voice over the phone was almost painful to listen too, "I wanna go home, I wanna go home..." Now, he knows Daddy's gotta ticking heart and he kinda knows why. He knows I go to see my doctors quite often and actually looks forward to the trips, my cardiologist has a stash of Jolly Rancher lollipops and we all get one with every visit.... He doesn't ever want to see me go back to Cleveland, but he understands that I'm still "sick" and he watches out for me some when he's not too busy being a kid. =)