Thank you all for the kind words....
Tobagotwo - Thank you for that very in depth info on my valve choices. although, to be's all another language to me. I'm going to take the information you gave me and contact my surgeon again, to discuss this further with him..and also my family. Thank you again. I great appreciate it.
Knightfan - I am having my surgery at Rush University (downtown Chicago) and my surgeon's name is Dr. Marshall Goldin. All inforamtion I have ever read about him or heard all great. He is supposed to be the "top dog" per say, in the area of Valve replacements. He is a little older, but I suppose that just means that he's been doing this type of surgery for over 30 years now.
And again, I am having my Aortic Valve replaced. I have Aortic Insufficiency.
another thing that concerned me was, as soon as my Cardiologist started doing all of the tests (echo, TEE, Heart cath) he said I was going to need surgery within the next couple of months. Then when I met with the surgeon he told me that according to the American Medical Association, you heart has to be a certian size to require surgery, my heart although has enlarged, has not reached that size yet. But he said, since I am having symptoms (shortness of breath, fatigue) and since I am leaking a good amount of blood, I would have to have the surgery in that not to far off future. He recommended having me do a stress test that day but said he woiuld call my Cardiologist first to see what he thinks again. (they are apparentley good friends from college). After talking with him..apparentley my Card told him..she doesn't need anymore tests, she needs this surgery withing the next few months. So..we scheduled the surgery for the end of February. My cardiologist had told me before that they were going to get me "fixed up" so I can go on with my life..plan my wedding, have children. Is this why there is such a rush on the surgery. I'm quite confused actually. Although I do trust my Cardiologist and my Surgeon, I was just a little confused as to why we are doing the surgery if my heart hasn't reached that certain size yet. I know it will reach it eventually, but who knows how long that would take. I think he just thinks that I being so young, should just get it over with. I don't know. I suppose it won't hurt (wrong words?) to just get it done, and be done. Any thoughts?