My experience with daylight savings last year

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As I was switching all of the clocks back one hour this morning, it reminded me of last year at this time. I had my surgery on a Sat. and it happened to be the Sat. that daylight savings time ended. I was in ICCU that night and don't remember much, but I do remember the nurses complaining that they were putting in an extra hour and not getting paid for it, because the clocks were turned back. They weren't very happy that they happened to be the ones on that shift!!!! I had never thougtht about people that work during the night and that they have to work an extra hour. :rolleyes:
Hey Dee,
I bet when they work when we switch to Daylight Savings Time they never offer to give back the money for the hour they didn't work.
We had a firefighter at the fire dept. that would complain every year when he had to work on the night we set the clocks back. He always wanted overtime.
Take Care

I have always found that there are people who will complain about anything! It is really such a trivial thing to get upset about. I'm sure you are pleased that you have a whole year behind you!
Our hospital pays for the extra hour

Our hospital pays for the extra hour

After reading your posting about the time change yestersday, I received this e-mail to hospital managers this morning from our payroll department.........

"As you begin looking at time for tomorrow's approvals:

For those of you who had employee's work from 11 p Sat - 7 a Sunday, the system automatically calculated 1 additional hour of time due to the clock change."

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