my dad david at the hospital 7 hours til surgery

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my dad is 7 hours away from having surgery hes at the hospital getting ready i didn't go i stayed home and my family is going to call me as they hear i am staying so i can keep a eye on things here for him and mom, its best i didn't go anyway, i am so nervous for him and it shows bad so mom told me to stay , both my children went and about 3 more family members went pluse i have more family thats going down around 3 am if they need me i am 1 1/2 away so i will go if i have to, please pray for him and harry there both having surgery i will be up all night anyway want be sleeping here , they already did some test today and i guess they have him pretty much ready to go i will post again when they take him back for surgery please everyone continue praying i have always said god hears prayers and i know you all have been praying i have been feeling the prayers thanks so much linda
I know this is hard to believe, but this stress you are going through now is soooo much worse than the actual surgery. I'm sure your dad will be fine and before you know it, he'll be up and about.

Dear Linda--When I had my surgery I had a definite feel for those who helped most by being there, and those who could help most from home. I am sure you are where your Dad feels you can do the most good.

I wish I could say something that would help with the anxiety-my only experience was as the patient from the hospital bed. We will be praying, and I am sure your Dad will be fine.
ok everyone dad just went in to surgery the doc said he would call front desk and let the family know whats going on in one hour
Prayer for peace for you. Waiting is the hardest part. Post the update when you hear.
God is good and is with the surgeon as he works.
update dad has been back in surgery 1 hour and doc called and said everything is going good please keep praying
I wish the best for your dad, and hope he has a uneventful surgery & a smooth recovery. Good luck & God Bless.
update dad is still in surgery he only needs one valve replacement instead of 2 they are now doing the bypasses and says his heart is resting thanks to everyone for the prayers they are being felt update later this was at 9:15 they said we would not hear for a while from them from this point
update dad still in surgery they are now starting bypass part of surgery