My cardiologist, along with his practice, has a 'coumadin clinic'. Think pricey copays, frequent visits combined with crappy medical insurance and you get the picture. I want to be able to monitor my INR level myself with a machine, but it is his philosophy and I was told "we do not allow patient self monitoring here, ifyou want to do that, you have to find another cardiologist." I live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and there are 2 cardiologist groups to chose from, both of which do not allow self monitoring. As I see it, I can try to convince my doctor to allow me to self monitor, or go to another cardiologist farther away (Annapolis 1 hr away) and call in my INRs and have them change dosage by phone. This is all I can see. I have had to go every week for one thing or another. I was on an every 2 wk schedule, then I got a cold and my med made the INR .2 tenths off and they made me come in. Then I was on a 2 week schedule again and I got a boil that the Walk In med facility treated with Clindamyacin and they made me come in. This week I am off the Clinda so they are making me come in again ...this is costing me $35 every time I go. Im tired of making my doctor rich. How can I convince him to let me self monitor??? I am 46 and of above average intelligence.
Ross1997, Thoracic ascending aortic valve aneurysm repair 7.0cms, and St. Jude valve implanted, Aug.2008.
Ross1997, Thoracic ascending aortic valve aneurysm repair 7.0cms, and St. Jude valve implanted, Aug.2008.
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