My call from Duke re: stress test

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I just got a call from Duke and scheduled my stress test. This is what was explained to me: There is no official name for this test but it takes 3-4 hours total from start to finish. They insert a catheter in my neck that goes directly to the heart and measures heart pressures. I will be on a bicycle and exercise hard for several minutes and then get off bike and go to lab and have some labs drwan and then on to have a pulmonary breathing test. This will be done ast certain timed intervels throughout test.
They want to confirm my breathing problems are coming from the leakage of the valve and severity of it. Its similar to a heart catherization, but they insert catheter in neck instead of groin. This is an advanced test that is apparently unique to Duke. They call me in a day or two and give me results. Has anyone ever been thru anything like this? They will put numbing medicine on my neck but no sedatives since I will be on bike (dont want to fall off) This is scheduled for Nov. 14..Any advise?:confused: :eek:
My friend that's having the coil procedure on Halloween has had something similar, but he never mentioned half the stuff that you'll be going through. I'm thinking this is something new and Duke is trying it. Terry's was more of a catheterization from the jugular vein. When I talk to him again, I'll ask him. He had that done at Cleveland. Terry never really says to much about anything when it comes to his heart problems. He kind of keeps it locked within himself. I don't know how he does it.
Ross, Thats funny they wanted to scheduke this on Haloween but Im going out of town at 5am the next morning so I put it off until Nov 14. Im not looking forward to it. Hope all goes well with your friend. Are you having a good day today?
Hi Alicia-

Joe has not had this stress test, but he has had a catheterization in his neck. This was a while back. I don't believe they numbed him and his neck muscles were tight making it a little harder than a regular cath. But with numbing, you should be fine and maybe that will help your muscles relax. I think guys neck muscles are more developed than women's anyway.
I had a MUGGA scan once that required putting a catheter into my neck. Only, I wasn't told in advance that they would be doing it in the neck and totally freaked out when I was informed. They did numb my neck, but it was scary anyway. I think if I had been told in advance I wouldn't have had that problem. It really wasn't too bad, just the idea of it was what scared me. When they inserted it they tilted the table so my head was lower than my legs, then told me to hold my breath and "bear down" so the veins would pop out more (guess I don't really want them tying a rubber band around my neck ;) ). I didn't have any sedation either. I didn't have to do any moving, though, for my test, so I can't help you with that aspect. Let us know how it goes. It sounds like something very new.