Teresa UK
Sounds like the cue for a song..... It's about 3pm Saturday afternoon. I'm off to Bart's Hospital (St. Bartholomew's, London) tomorrow midday, ready for surgery on Monday. I'm feeling a little excited, apprehensive, impatient, resigned, butterflies in stomach, crinkly smile fixed on face - but overall I'm feeling fairly positive and ok. A new feeling that crept up on me in recent weeks is one of - not exactly loneliness, but "this is something I have to do on my own". I didn't like this feeling at first and it made me feel sad, but somehow this week I started to see all this new valve business as a challenge - something to grab hold of and deal with. Suddenly this feeling of control over my attitude/feelings popped up out of nowhere and has really cheered me up after being down for a while. Maybe many of you already had that particular positive attitude chip implanted, up and running. It took a while for it to click in for me, but thank goodness, better late than never...... I'll try to get my husband Steve, or one of the boys to let you know how I'm doing by Monday/Tuesday. Otherwise, I'll be in touch as soon as poss. Anyway, TALLYHO!!!! Over the Top I Go.