My baby is 2 today!

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I'm sort of upset that my youngest is turning two today(ok, may 20. He's just growing up too fast! I was looking at him as he was eating his macaroni and cheese one day, and he's so grown up! On mother's day, I had this thing that said "mom, and he pointed to it and said, "M circle M, MOMMY" It was just cute. I am so glad that Kevin will be here to help us celebrate. The time has flown, he'd be home in 5 months if he would have gone to diego garcia! Amazing! Seems like only yesterday I was in labor walking around the little town of Poulsbo, only to go to the hospital and deliver this beautiful baby boy! Thank you all for all the support that you have given me! I appereciate it!
hi joy!
i can totally relate.... my oldest is turning 19 next month and that is only a reminder to me that joey and i will be married 20 years this october!
it constantly amazes me that i don't feel like i'm aging until i look at my daughters. i remember each labor like it was yesterday!
where did the time go???? it was just yesterday that we brought them home!!!
ann is so right when she says that this is what it's all about..
enjoy every minute and don't spend your time worrying that it is going so fast...
be well, sylvia
Joy you sound like a very proud momma. You should be too. When I think of the things that you have to do alone with the kids, it boggles my mind.

Kids grow up too fast! Someone asked me the other day how old my "Children" were. I fumbled big time. My oldest is going on 23, my middle 21, and the last 19. It doesn't seem like so long ago that I was pulling them out of kitchen cupboards where they would hide and try to scare mom and dad.


My "baby" turned 22 last Thurs. I remember someone telling me one time "don't blink your eyes" and gosh darnit I blinked. It seems like that is how long it took for her to grow up. Enjoy every minute with your children because it goes by so fast. Peggy
My Eric... 2 + 20!!

My Eric... 2 + 20!!


When I read your post I thought of my Eric.... twenty years older than yours! I watched him graduate from college this weekend. I?m so very proud of him and the man he has become. As I sat watching him receive his degree and honors... I couldn?t help but think back on all the memories of what brought him to this point in his life. I found myself wanting to just tuck him back under my wing and take him back home!! I guess its finally sinking in that he?s all grown up!! He turned out absolutely perfect.... but with each accomplishment and mile stone I feel him slipping a little farther away from my ?apron strings?. Along with the pride there is a little something pulling at my heart as I see him spreading his wings to take on the world.

When I told him what a huge step it was for him to be graduating, getting a brand new car, high paying job and moving all the way to CA.... he said, ?Mom, I think it?s an even bigger step for you!? lol

I?m so happy to hear how important the "M circle M, MOMMY" moments are to you. Those moments are part of what creates that special bond that holds you together even when they grow up and move to far away places. Happy Birthday to your Eric. :) Mine will be 23 in November.

You're right Sylvia.... we're not old enough to have kids this old. I don't feel a day over 22 myself!! :confused: :D Until I go on a field trip with Sara.... some of those nine year olds have very young mothers! :eek:
Joy, Happy Birthday to the little one.; My daugther just turned 7. Zoom zoom. It did happen fast. Enjoy the moments you have.

Rain, we need to know you beauty secrets! Honestly, you look way too young to have a twenty something child. Hope I look as good as you when mine is in her 20's;)


Joy, what a cute thing to say. Remember that when he's . . . oh, you know all the things they do when they're 2. God made them so cute and darling so they could live until they're 3. :D
What a great post, Joy! I'm 44 and my daughter is only 8, so I got kind of a late start at parenthood, even though Kathy and I have been married almost 15 years. My little Caitlin is certainly her daddy's girl, and she can play me as well as she can her piano! I only just learned the other day that when I woke up after surgery, I asked for her first....

Her 2nd grade teacher at the time of my surgery made a class project out of writing me letters and they bound them all up in a book for me. They're so great to read - "So, how's the heart surgery?", but I never seem to be able to make it all the way through the book without a tremendous lump forming in my throat. It's one of my most prized possessions.

I'm so thankful to have my kid and to be around to watch her grow up.
Time Flys!

Time Flys!

Joy -

Your post brought a tear to my eye. I have been sentimental this week as my baby boy is graduating from High School. I was watching tv Monday night and it just hit me and I started to cry.
It is really bittersweet - I'm extremely proud and happy for him but I feel a sadness too.

Cherish the special moments (and they are all special)!

MVR 04/06/89

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