My AVR is scheduled for 22 Sep, 09.

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Nov 9, 2008
My surgery was performed at Oklahoma Heart Institu
I met my surgeon, today, for the first time. The meeting has left me feeling really relieved so I think I'm going to sleep well tonight. My AVR is now scheduled for 22 Sep, 09. He quickly came to the point and asked if I had thought about a valve. I told him that like so many I was torn between the two types and asked what he felt would be the best compromise. He wasted no time in recommending the Carpentier-Edwards bio-prosthetic. His main point was that at 60 the CE should give me years of useful service before it degrades. He then went on to add that trans-catheter repair for the CE will be available, perhaps, by the end of 2010. We next talked about the incision which he feels needs to be the full sternal bisection, however, he wants to close it with "sternal talons". He showed them to me and demonstrated how they work. Essentially, they are three implanted titanium clamps that pull the two halves of the sternum together and then lock in place. He says that using them prevents any motion in the sternum as it heals leaving the patient with less discomfort. When healed, the sternum should be quite solid. I've not read about these before today but you can see them at: Have any of you experience with these devices? I did a search of VR and didn’t find any references to them. So now a little over three weeks to get things ready at home then I join the gang on the other side. Good night for now.
Congrats on setting a date - that part is always a relief when it is in the past.

I have to admit the talons are very interesting and I had never heard of them. There does not seem to be sharp edges as in the wires so long-term it might work out better. As long as there is nothing in the material that might cause issues, it would be worthwhile to try.

Wishing you all the best.
Sleep tight every night so that you are in good shape for surgery. Sleeping all night and long hours before my surgery, helped me a lot with my attitude and comfort.

Good luck and will be praying for you now and on the 22nd.
Best Wishes to you now that you have a surgery date. Hope you slept well and that some relief has been gained. Those talons certainly do look they could do a good job of holding you together. I had never heard of them, but with medical advances happening so quickly they seem like a great idea. Please keep us posted as the time draws closer. Oh and my husband who is from around the OKC area says "GO BOOMER SOONER":)
Here is wishing you all the best. Soon you will be on the other side. Try to relax during this waiting period, I however found it very hard. I received the same valve 7 weeks ago and am doing great. I am held together with old fashioned wires and in a way envy you the clamps, they look as if they can do the job in a more elegant way, will certainly look better on future X-rays! Johan

Congrats on having a surgery date. As you know I have the same valve that your surgeon is recommending. I too was told I should get a good number of years of service from the valve. But yet I understand that there are no guarantees with a tissue valve on it's years of service. My surgeon was pretty confident too that the next valve for me would be implanted much like a stent is today. However, I know the chance for another traditional surgery is very real. I hope you can keep yourself busy between now and your surgery. Good luck to you.
Having the date usually sets off a whole different storm of emotions. Try to take each day with a fresh look on things. We'll be around to walk with you.
Thanks to you all for the good thoughts. I did get to sleep last night pretty easily but I still woke this morning at 04:30 as I have been for several weeks. Today there is a new curve as my legs have started swelling for the first time so I am home with my feet up on pillows for the weekend. Three weeks may seem longer than it looked yesterday. Thanks, again.
Three weeks is a long time when you are waiting for something to be behind you. Remember the last three weeks of school years?

The night before surgery, you will sit back and wonder why the three weeks went so quickly.;):D

Any symptoms will simply solidify your decision to move forward so try and embrace them. Get your rest, find a great book or movie and know the future will be all yours.

Glad you have your date. I will be at home recovering then so I will be thinking and praying for you. You will soon begin to feel better, I know I have. Just try to relax and take it easy.

I can't say I've heard of the closure technique, but of course I don't know a whole lot about this stuff. It sounds like a good concept - I am looking at the link you posted right now.

You try to take it easy and get some rest.
