MV repair and aspirin

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Hi everybody,
Just wanted to check in with all of you who have had repair not replacement. I had been on aspirin 325mg daily since the surgery. The cardiologist said I could drop down to an 81mg aspirin from now on. What are all of you taking?
I am a little nervous about the 81mg but I would prefer that dose.


I had mitral valve repair surgery four weeks ago. I have been on Plavix (75mg) since the day of surgery, which I'm told is very much like aspirin. I haven't been told how long I'll be on it, but I've been led to believe that it's probably going to be a few months.
from what my drs have told me the 325 mg doesn't 'do' any more for your blood than the 81 mg. It does, however, aggravate the innards of the tummy making it more likely that you'll bleed. This is one of those cases, I beleive, where more is not better.

I'm 5 weeks post-op

I'm 5 weeks post-op

and take the larger dose of aspirin. They orginally started me on coumadin after surgery but once I developed the hemmoragic pleural effusion that was d/ced. My understanding is that every adult, heart problems or not, should take a baby aspirin a I am happy with the higher dose right now.

mitral repair 11/30/05
My grandad takes aspirin daily. Can I just ask what dose a 'baby aspirin' is??

Baby aspirin or low dose aspirin is 81mg. I have switched to the 81mg for the past 2 days. Just really wanted to know what the general thinking is around the country. Thanks to all of you who have responded and I will check back to see what the rest of you say.
After my mitral valve repair

After my mitral valve repair

in July, I was on 325 mg of aspirin after surgery as they could not regulate the comadin. Then I was put on 81mg when I went to the cardiologist for his followup post op - I would say this was at 8 weeks. I still take the 81mg daily. Hope this is helpful.
Another interesting tidbit about 81 mg aspirin. About 10 years ago I had occasion to see a neurologist who ordered an MRI of my brain... to rule out causes of an incidence of double vision. We talked about my headaches... I would get severe headaches almost every day. She told me to start taking the 81 mg aspirin. Since I've been on it I can count on only two hands the number of headaches I've had in 10 years, and the ones I've had have been short-lived and much less severe. I am a strong proponent of low-dose aspirin.

UK dosage

UK dosage

The 'baby aspirin' in the UK is 75mg, so called because prior to the possible problems with children under the age of 12 became known (and Reyes syndrome), the small dose tablets used to be known as 'junior aspirin'.
Low dose Aspirin is 100mg in Australia. It is strange how what is considered a low dose of the same drug can vary by as much. 75mg in the UK, 81mg in the US and 100mg in Australia. I would be interested to know if any other countries have a different low dose, it certainly isn't uniform. :confused:
OldManEmu said:
Low dose Aspirin is 100mg in Australia. It is strange how what is considered a low dose of the same drug can vary by as much. 75mg in the UK, 81mg in the US and 100mg in Australia. I would be interested to know if any other countries have a different low dose, it certainly isn't uniform. :confused:
The reason the low dose ("baby") aspirin in the US is 81mg is because it is 1/4 the strenth of a single adult tablet which is 325mg. Now I am curious as to the adult tablet dose in other countries. For example, is it 300mg in the UK and 400mg in Australia?
GeeBee your curiosity is answered

GeeBee your curiosity is answered

I checked the regular Asprin at the supermarket and the normal dose is 300 mg in Australia so low dose is 1/3 not the 1/4 that it is in the US. :)