Multiple surgeries

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
Frederick Maryland USA
I was just wondering since I'm new here. How many people have had multiple surgeries? I've had a coarctation of the aorta 36 years ago a Mytral Valve repair 3 years ago and will be haveing the valve replaced soon. Is there anyone out there like me. Looking for a friend for some positives. I know I'll pull through, just a tick scared.
I've had two as well. The first in 1980 and the second 5 months ago. I'm probably looking at two more in my life as this tissue valve I have needs to be replaced. There are others on here who have had more.

It's very normal to be scared. Waiting, for me, was undoubtedly the worst part. I was a nervous wreck. I think next time won't be so bad because my kids will hopefully be grown by then and that was one of my biggest worries. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

Two valve replacements and many more pacemakers in the last 16 years.
In many ways second time was easier as there was no fear of the unknown. :)
I had two OHS surgeries just four years apart. My second OHS was end of February this year and I went through it so much easier than the first. It took me a full year to recover from the first. The moment I woke in CICU I knew immediately I was not as ill and felt so much better than the first round. It was mitral valve replacement (bovine) and I've had a seemingly uneventful recovery though am in the process of having a few tests to check on the valve again. (A second echo this week.)

For me, the wait for the surgery the second time around was the worst part of it. My first heart surgery was emergent so I had no idea it was coming.
I had two big abdominal surgeries years ago.
My husband had three heart valve surgeries, two lung surgeries, a pacemaker, gallbladder surgery and lots of other procedures and medical problems. He died at age 75, not from heart valve problems, but from multiple organ failure related to his age and co-mobidities.

With the care of excellent doctors, you should do very well.

The human body is very resilient and wants to heal itself.

Keep that in mind, and never give up.
Thank you so much guys, that helps. You're right the wait is worse than the deed. My last one experienced what I call sheer terror. I didn't know where I was when I woke up and I was tied down and had all of those tubes. I thought I was already gone. Knowing that part is going to happen again now that I'm prepared makes me anticipate my recovery. You guys are so awesome and thanks for your support I'm glad I found this sight.
I've had 3 OHS in my lifetime. My first two were in 1975 --- first one was for a double-valve implant (aortic & mitral) & then 6 months after the 1st OHS, I had to go in again because some of the sutures around the mitral valve had torn loose & it was leaking bad.

Life was wonderful for 31 years then in 2006 I had to go in for my 3rd to have the old aortic replaced with a new St. Jude. The old mitral valve was not replaced & it is showing signs of stress & needs to be replaced but I am just being watched & on the sidelines for a 4th OHS. A 4th is really scary & risky due to all the scar tissue that is on & around the, I wait......

But, I should add, life is still wonderful & I still feel very lucky to be alive!
I've had a total of 16 surgeries, varying in complexity (not all heart related). Some I was not put under general anesthesia, just a local and some sedation. I actually woke up in several of those! :eek:

1981- Left B.T. Shunt
1983- Tonsils Removed
1984- Pacemaker Implant
1990- Pacemaker Generator Change
3/1997- Pacemaker Generator Change
8/1997- Gall Bladder Removal
12/1997- Open Heart (ASD and VSD patched, PS widened, shunt removed)
4/2002- Pacemaker Generator Change
6/2002- Valve Replacement
2/2003- ovarian cyst rupture
12/2004- ICD Implant
1/2005- hematoma removal
1/2005- ICD removal (infection)
5/2005- scar revision (done in office, so only local anesthetic used)
3/2007- ICD
5/2007- ICD lead revision

I'm 31 years old and going strong! ;) I imagine I'll have a lot more surgeries to come, but I don't plan on letting any of them take me out! :D Keep the faith!
I have had 3 heart surgeries.

1)left BT shunt-1965
2)TOF repair(VSD closure, pulmonary valve removed)-1972
3)pulmonary valve placement and tricuspid valve repair-1990

I have a tissue valve so I expect another one in the next few years.

How many people have had multiple surgeries?

*raises hand*


1977 ... first open heart surgery

1987, March ... 2nd OHS, to replace the valve installed in was getting too small for me.

2003, January ... 3rd OHS, to replace the valve installed in was calcifying, etc. ... and install a pacemaker.

I've had a few other procedures/surgeries, too.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Watch over them for me" ... Darryl Worley ... 'If Something Should Happen'
I've had at least 17, I can't remember, accurately. My right knee is a major culprit in the numbers game since I definitely recall 5 general anaesthetics and 1 spinal. I'm sure there are a couple more but this has been ongoing over 30 years.

With all of the procedures and invasive testing, I count 18; only 10 of which were major. Fun, eh?

I'm pretty young, but I am among the list of people who have had multiple surgeries. . .

a VSD repair in 1988, and a sub aortic stenosis resection in 1991

I still have valve surgery pending for bad mitral and aortic valves, and I have an EP study and ablation pending for SVT

and I am only 21, so there's hope! I definitely try and take these things and turn them into fuel for the fire that I call "life"

hope this helps

Hi and like to welcome you Geckley,
I6 years ago aortic valve replacement.
I'm on wait for native mitral to be relaced with mech.
End result 2 tests scheduled for Tues confimation on my bed
Tests will confirm alot of things and show if i need a double v repl.
i will have to be admitted for cath and trans echo to have them
done and this will tell exactly for the surgical conciderations what
they need to do,two echos were completed in June confirm mitral
valve will need a change out to mech.Scared is our nature,we
wouldn't be human if we werenot. I6 years ago i was alot worse
when i didnot have this lovely group of people on this vr site to
help keep my sanity. I'm still scared but in a different manner cus
i went down this road only i'm older now and other issues have
arose with 2nd surgery that concern me,but we keep smiling:)
I'm glad you joined and all the best to you.

zipper2 (DEB)
Again thanks guys, What was said earlier is true knowing I have to go through it again is OK. The 2nd time it was Cathe and a week later I'm in surgery. No time for nerves. This time I know what it's like so thats cool. But knowing I have to wait probably 6 weeks is really STRESSING. Especially with the little one on the way. I wish he would get here soon. My wife and my kids are my pillars of light.
How about multiple procedures at once. For example Aortic root repair Aortic valve replacement and Mitral Valve replacement. I might be in line for all 3.
My Freestyle prosthesis actually is the valve and root all in one. There's a bit more work to the root since this is where the cardiac arteries branch off the aorta but it sews as easily as dacron. My doctor thought that he may need to repair or replace the mitral valve since there was some mild to moderate regurgitation, this resolved as soon as my aortic valve was functioning properly.

So, valve and root are essentially a valve replacement surgery (especially if he resects closer to the heart than where the cardiac arteries branch) and sometimes the mitral issue resolves as soon as blood flow through the heart chambers and out is improved.

Take Heart,
Hi, I haven't been on for a while, but my 20 year old son had 5 OHS, BT shunt 88,Rastelli 89, pulm conduit revison/pacer implant 98, pulm conduit/valve replacement 2005 and pulm conduit revision 2007. He also had sternal infection surgery and malfuntioning pacer removal, as well as a couple non heart related surgeries. A couple of his surgeries were for multiple parts of his heart. He has had all kinds of post op complications over the years, BUT is doing p[retty well right now. I hope that helps, Lyn