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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, All--

Just saw my cardio this morning. (BTW, I didn't have a cold; it was just nasty allergies!--But, I did postpone my dentist visit anyway). He wants to, after looking at my event monitor report (I had a few small runs of a-fib), put me on Multaq. If this doesn't work for me, then he wants me to see my EP doctor again. We'll see.

Anyway, if any of you are or have been on Multaq, could you share your experience with it? I know everyone reacts to meds differently, but I'd kinda like to see what I'm getting myself into. My cardio did warn me about nausea as a side effect.

My heart adventures continue as right femoral artery has become more stenotic, which means another test before my cardio sends me to a cardiovascular surgeon. Wheeee!!!!!!! :eek:

Thanks for your replies!
Hi Debi, I dont have any experience myself with Multaq but if you try you should be able to get some info on it as there are quite a few people on there who are taking it. Best of luck. :cool:
Another alternative is SOTALOL (generic form of BetaPace) which has worked well for several of our members.

The manufacturer recommends being hospitalized for a few days when starting Sotalol 'just in case' a dangerous arrhythmia might be triggered while your body adjusts to it. Some dizzyness may also be noticed during the first few weeks until your body adjusts to the medication.

Hi, All--

Just saw my cardio this morning. (BTW, I didn't have a cold; it was just nasty allergies!--But, I did postpone my dentist visit anyway). He wants to, after looking at my event monitor report (I had a few small runs of a-fib), put me on Multaq. If this doesn't work for me, then he wants me to see my EP doctor again. We'll see.

Anyway, if any of you are or have been on Multaq, could you share your experience with it? I know everyone reacts to meds differently, but I'd kinda like to see what I'm getting myself into. My cardio did warn me about nausea as a side effect.

My heart adventures continue as right femoral artery has become more stenotic, which means another test before my cardio sends me to a cardiovascular surgeon. Wheeee!!!!!!! :eek:

Thanks for your replies!

I've been on Multaq since Sept. of 09. I had about 3 bouts of A-fib since my AVR in august of 08 up to Sept. of 09. I ended up in the ER with atrial flutter, which was corrected with amiodarone. The next day I was in A-fib again. I went to my new cardio who put me on Multaq. I was back in sinus rhythm 2 days later, and have been to date. I have no side affects so far, and love the drug. Didn't need to go to the hospital to be monitored when I switched over from amiodarone as with other medications that are available!
Thanks for your input. Al, I have been on nearly everything without success, even sotalol, which I was on for about 2 years before the cardio decided it wasn't working for me. I'll start the Multaq after I see my EP doctor on Tues.