Mr. Ross - Please read

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If you allow me, I would like to share my own experience with you. If you don't agree, please delete my post.

Lately my attention is focused on your posts about your son's accident. I sincerely wish that Chris will never experience it but, YES a happy and successful life is possible with a handicap. I can relate to what he is going through. I lost both legs in a motorcycle accident 15 years ago.

What Chris is going through right now is an excruciating pain, a real torture. Don't be surprised that he can be the worse patient you ever seen. We all handle pain in our own ways. His way is not worse that any others I seen in the same situation. His body, and his mind react to the tissues, muscles, veins, and bones fighting for their survival. This is causing an unbearable pain. No pain killers can decrease that pain. It's something like the poison of a venomous snake spreading in your body. Your leg is hurt but the horrible pain goes through your whole body. It also affects your way of thinking because you can't focus on anything else than the pain. I am sorry not to be able to explain it better. There is no words to describe such pain.

I wish with all my hearth that he will never get to the point to need an amputation. If ever it comes to that decision, I can tell you that once my legs where gone, 90% of the pain was gone with them. A surgical amputation heals day after day. Right now he is fighting for the survival of his foot, not healing yet. After the amputation I had to get used to my new condition, new way of living. The worse thing is the way others looked at me. With time it all became "not so important".

The most important thing to me was my relatives being there for me. Even if they were not understanding my reactions or what I was going through, they were visiting when possible, phoning almost every day, and most of all listening to my fears, complains and frustrations. It's the only thing that kept me alive, and the only reason I allowed myself to go on with my life. Knowing that someone will call, and listen, was THE only important moment of my days.

Nothing else is needed, only be there for him.

As many others, I will keep you, Chris, and your family in my prayers.

"God always say "YES" to our prayers. It may not always be the YES we want, but it will always be the YES He knows BEST for us"
Thank you very much. It's hard when he's only 22, not that it doesn't happen to younger folks, but simply that he has all these ideas for his future and they all include having two feet. I have a very small family that consists of only 5 persons close by. 4 of those 5 work and I'm disabled. I need one of those others to push me around when I get to the hospital. I guess I'm saying it's next to impossible to be there as much as we need to be and I'm having a heck of a time getting his "friends" to go visit. He is sinking into depression where he just no longer wants to talk about it. I'm trying despretly to get him to see that being alive is really all that matters and that even if the foot has to come off, it's not the end of the world.

I appreciate your prospective on the whole situation. It allows me to peer into your world a tiny bit and I can understand it with more clarity.
Mr. Ross - Thank you

Mr. Ross - Thank you

Thank you for your answer. My intention is only to share my experience with you, not to tell you what you should, or shouldn?t do.

What YOU are personally going through is what I call ?loving parent syndrome?. You are suffering as much as he is. As good parents, your wife and you would like it to be only a nightmare. As Chris, you would like to awake one morning and find out this never happened. Unfortunately, it happened and wont go away.

By ?be there for him? I didn?t mean to be present at the hospital every day. I was hospitalized at 3 hours on the road from home. No one could be with me all the time. I had what was ?my? lifeline. I had a few relatives who where calling regularly. I knew that my mother would call at 8:00 am, my father at 5:00 pm. The other ones were taking turns to call at night. I must warn you, don?t be surprised if it happens that he doesn?t answer the phone sometimes. This will not be to hurt you. Some days I just couldn?t talk, or listen to others anymore. The first day that he will be without pain, only for a few minutes, you will see a big difference in his attitude because ?hope? will be back in his life.

I also had a psychologist visiting once a week. An ?outside the family? psychological support is important, when possible. It helps the patient to take out of its chest all the anger he can?t share with family, because he thinks they can?t understand. He will also go through a mourning phase. It maybe sound funny, but we need to mourn the loss of a body part, the same as the loss of a relative.

To him, at this moment, IT IS the end of HIS world. It will always be the BEFORE and AFTER the accident. He is betrayed by ?friends? who can?t deal with this. Friends are much more important than family at 22, but it is also understandable that they also are youngsters who know nothing on how life can go on with a handicap.

To be handicapped, with or without a foot, changes your whole life. I guess you already know that. I was single, 35 years old, and a woman. Just try to picture this. A young woman, in a wheelchair, with no legs. That is more than ?normal? people can stand. I lost my ?friends?, my husband to be too. That?s ok, I didn?t need anyone to pity me, I needed support and understanding. Now my life is as ?normal? as can be. I am married (yes a man saw the real woman in me LOL), have two children, a wonderful husband, and faithful friends.

There is NO DOUBT that time will heal his physical and psychological wounds, but it takes time.

As I am an outsider, I wont write here anymore, unless you have questions that, maybe, I can answer. I am not an expert, I can only relate to my own experience.

I will keep praying that you get all the support you are seeking for, and will be sharing your joy the day I will read that the sun is back in your life.
What a nice post and I am sure it gives Ross some additional, very helpful information. You are very kind to take the time.
I certainly appreciate your input. You need not worry about being an outsider. That ended when you responded to me. ;)

How are you doing now?
welcome - you are providing some much needed help to Ross' family just now. It is so good that he has an out reach. We all thank you, because none of us know how to help, other than our support, but you have some definite experiences to relate.

You don't have to call him Mister, tho. We don't want his head to get big. Blessins........
Never underestimate the kindness of strangers!!

Never underestimate the kindness of strangers!!

This forum has shown us that. You are very kind to use such a hard personal struggle to help others.

No such thing as an outsider here!!!

God bless you!!