not bored, just busy
not bored, just busy
Hi Chris,
delighted to hear that your latest set of reports look good, notwithstanding the lipids!
Your corn report was certainly not boring, I just don't get much of a chance at weekends to log on to my home computer as we have three young sons and weekends run at a far more hectic pace than the week!!
As I said in my last post, corn is only grown here on a farm scale for silage. Combinable crops grown in the UK are wheat, barley, oats, oilseed rape, nad some pulses - peas, beans, lupins etc. It was a really good growing season here in England, with most farmers getting all their harvesting finished in August. Many of the wheat and barley crops are drilled in the autumn and next year's are already well established, their green shoots brightening up an otherwise brown landscape as we enjoy a prolonged and dry 'Indian summer'. Those crops that are planted in the spring got in really early this year and the use of grain dryers, to bring moisture levels down well below 20%, were unneccessary on many farms for the first time in years. An unusual year!
OK, that's it for the UK farming news, so it's back to the studio........