Please tell me I don't have to give someone my stop smoking lecture, especially someone who has a known heart condition.....
I'm down right EVIL and I'll make you cry with my lecture. I've done it before and I mean business.
Step one:
For EVERY cigarette you smoke, you write, AT LEAST ONE HUNDRED TIMES, "Every drag fills my lungs with more black tar." or something to that effect WHILE you are smoking the cigarette. You don't stop until you've finished the cig and if you haven't written it 100 times, you have to keep writing until you're done.
Other optional phrases:
"For every drag I take, my son, who knows better than his parents and doesn't smoke, is forced to take two."
"Smoking will shorten my life by at least 20 years."
"FIlling my lungs with black tar costs me $30 a day, $210 a week, $840 a month."
( You might have to adjust those figures to the cost of a pack of cigarettes in your area and how many packs your parents smoke in a day, week, whatever)
Feel free to create your own based on your situation or whatever.
Be blunt, be direct, even hurtful if neccesary because sometimes the truth hurts, but we still need to hear it.
A few studies have shown that even if they quit late in life, most people add maybe 10 to 20 years to their lifespan by dropping the habit.
There are enough cessation programs, counseling, and medical knowledge on the hazards of nicotine addiction to justify any effort made to quit smoking.
it also helps to have someone else who's quitting with you and to add goals and rewards to whatever program you may be on. Know going in that you're going to gain some weight (that bothers a lot of people that try to quit and can knock them back to the habit) and be prepared for it. Know also that you're much better off, MUCH healthier, being twenty pounds heavier than you are smoking a pack a day. Food and beverages taste better, it's easier to breath, easier to do physical activities and it's healthier for everyone else around you too.
Smoking is a terrible thing that should be banned from the face of the earth.