More than a nightmare...ahhh!

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I had a nest starting in my bedroom wall. I could hear those things eating the plywood! These weren't honey bees though. More aggressive yellow jackets.
I hate bees!!!! One flew down my shirt at work once...:eek: and yes I gave everyone quite a show...:eek:
I got mixed up with a nest of them when I was a kid.:eek: :eek:
I'll never forget the experience--yuck!:( :( :(
Ross I can laugh about it now.. but then?? I was checking in our delivery flew straight out of the racks and down my shirt..the delivery man gave ME a tip:p , it stung me in places NO bee should be!!!:p
I once had a bee fly up and under my motorcycle helmet visor. Talk about scrambling. It stung me on the side of my nose and I looked like someone had belted me. It was swollen for days.
I guess I am lucky I didn't drop the bike and leave skin on the pavement.:eek: :eek: :eek: