Hi, I have new questions. I was wondering if anyone had abd. swelling before surgery. I have been told that my liver was enlarged and I knew that I was retaining fluid but It looks like am 10months preganet. Which is driving me crazy because over the past year I have lost 130lbs people that know me knows am swollen but new people ask me if am having a girl or boy? I have just been telling them am having twins
much easier than explaining the heart thing to them. Been told that this should go away any ideas on how long! I know am tried of taking the lasix go to the bathroom every 10mins
Plus how soon can you drive? Just bought a mustang with a drop top ( Gift for me because of the valve replacement) Love this car! I have a feeling am going to drive my family crazy doing my recovery.
I have a hard time sitting still sometimes I have mild case of ADD which is not going to help me slow down. Well that's it for now sure I'll be back soon!