mood stabilizer with Coumadin

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
South FL
I've been taking St. John's Wort for a while now, and found out I may not be allowed to take it anymore. any suggestions on a replacement? Is Sam-E more compatible with warfarin? any other OTC meds?
When it comes to drug interactions, your Pharmacist may be your Best Source of information, along with your Coumadin Clinic (assuming you have one). Also see which is AL Lodwick's website. He is a Registered Pharmacist and Certified Anti-Coagulation Care Provider, Author, Consultant, and Coumadin Clinic Director.

'AL Capshaw'
Magic8Ball said:
Dont know mate but i'd see how you are after surgery first.

A new valve may be the only 'pick me up' you need from now on :D

you may probably be right. I'm hoping that is the case. I do believe that may be the case.:)
Hope this helps

Hope this helps

You should discuss all medications and supplements with your doctor and your pharmacist now and after surgery. The following link suggests a serious problem with St. John's Wort and Coumadin/Warfarin.

If you do a search on Google, you will find more than several other items on this topic. Also, if you do a search on this site, you will be able to read past comments and discussions with our members here on the topic.
St. John's Wart can affect coumadin, usually causing the INR decrease. However, if you talk to your coumadin manager or doctor, it could be that you might be able to use it if you take it every day. Your INR would just be adjusted around it.

Here's hoping you just won't need it once you are all fixed up.;) :D
rachel_howell said:
If you continue to require an antidepressant after surgery, you would probably be better off changing to one of the pharmaceuticals that is manufactured in a standardized way. You can be given something that either doesn't interact with coumadin at all, or if it does it will be in a predictable manner. The problem with herbs is that the amount of the various chemical compounds in the product can vary, depending on the crop from which the herb was harvested. That makes it hard to adjust your coumadin around your herbal therapy. Even though, as Magic8ball says, you should feel a whole lot better after your valve is replaced, it will take you a while to get through the acute physical and mental recovery period. A depressive episode is a common side effect of any kind of OHS, even in people who have no prior history of depression. So if you need something to help your mood, go ahead and try what you doctor can prescribe for you. You can always taper off of it later on, when you have recovered from your surgery and you are ready to let go of the medication.
thanks, glad to knowledgeable that there may be some effects on mood after OHS. I have taken antidepressants, but they seemed too strong and gave me IBS. St. John's Wort really helped, but I see that this drug REALLY affects the INS level. I don't even want to play with that thought. Hopefully, SAM-E can help, and I will be sure to have a list ready to show the doctor or Coumadin specialist at the hospital. I also found out that Gingko Biloba enhances the effect of Coumadin. I wouldn't mind taking less Coumadin with Ginkgo Biloba, but again I will ask my doctor, since I don't want to have interior bleeding. Thanks Rachel
rachel_howell said:
Do your docs (the surgeon and anesthesiologist) know you are on the St.JohnsWort? They need to know. Make sure you tell them or remind them about it when you go in for your surgery on Tuesday. It does have a very active pharmaceutical effect, and the people caring for you need to know about it in case they have to accommodate for its effects.
stopped taking it last week. thanks