Moms I Back In The Hospital!!!!

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ok.. i know i posted 5+ days ago... but....since then.. my mom went back to the hospital..not for her heart....her stupiditay.....ok...she o.d.eed herselve and well..she is in the mental i just wanted to get u updated..o and i got in afight and i kicked the kids butt....and he left w/ a bloody nose and lip..and a gashed eyebrow...and..he was crying like a baby..i win wooohoooo..i was ready for him this time lol.....well im out
Justin, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. We are counting on you to support her any way you can. And watch out for that fighting. Somebody can get hurt, you know. Hang in there. Keep those grades up, as you have been doing.


I hope you realize she probably did this accidentaly. And be careful about fight anyone. Be good and hang in there. Have a good week.