My husband is 33 years old and has just been diagnosed with Mitral Valve Regurgitation. His cardiologist said after his echo that it is a severe leak. He is scheduled for a transesophageal echocardiogram in a week. The doctor said that will tell us what damage has been done and if the valve can be repaired or if it will have to be replaced. My husband has never had any heart issues or other "usual" problems that cause this. He is very healthy otherwise. He is having symptoms of exhaustion, short of breath PVC's and just not feeling well. I'm not going to lie, I am terrified. I am not so much afraid of the surgery as I am of the time lapse between now and the time of surgery. I don't know how far it has progressed or what our time line is before he gets worse. The doctor said it can lead to heart failure. We have three children and I just can't imagine life without my husband. If anyone can help me with information on this type of surgery, recovery and anything else that I should know, please tell me. Thank you so much!!