Mitral Valve Regurgatation

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
New York, NY
Is it ever possible for the regurgatation to ever get less. I know my regurg has gone from slight to moderately severe over 9 years. On a MVP site someone posted that their regurg had gone from moderate to minimal regurge in a few months. Every Cardio I have seen has told me that once you get regurge it progresses, sometimes very slowly and sometimes fast. I think maybe this is a stupid question just wondering if anyone ever heard of this happening.
Hi Harmony,

My husband's regurgitation never got better but it did stay the same for a few years. ECHO readings are very dependant on the technician's expertise in measuring. I remember my husband had an Echo once that showed some alarming numbers but the Cardio suspected it was technician error and re-ordered the Echo, which showed more expected results. I wonder if medication can slow the regurgitation. Someone else may know this answer.

Cooper I was very happy to read that your husbands surgery went well and his post surgery problems have resolved. If you get a chance look in this weeks copy of New York Magezine. Your surgeon Dr Galloway is listed as one of the top thoracic surgeons in New York. You picked a winner.
Thank you Harmony. He's doing really well now. They say that if anything is going to go wrong with the valve it usually happens within the first year. So I'll be holding my breath and hoping his year goes smoothly but so far so good. Dr. Galloway was very pleased with the repair. :)

I'll pick up a copy of the magazine. Thanks!

How are you? I hope well.
Mitral Valve Regurgation

Mitral Valve Regurgation

Harmony said:
Is it ever possible for the regurgatation to ever get less. I know my regurg has gone from slight to moderately severe over 9 years. On a MVP site someone posted that their regurg had gone from moderate to minimal regurge in a few months. Every Cardio I have seen has told me that once you get regurge it progresses, sometimes very slowly and sometimes fast. I think maybe this is a stupid question just wondering if anyone ever heard of this happening.
my daughter is going thru that right now. It went from nothing to severe in a little over a year. They did not catch it when she had her daughter. They should have caught it when she was pregnant. She has to undergo valve replacement the 28th of June. She has not comepletely made her final decision on which valve yet. She really wants another child. What a hard decision to make for her. I just hope she has a very quick recovery from all this. I have watched to health decline over the past year and a half. She is always so tired. I knew something wasn't right but coudn't pin point it. I just want to be there to help her as much as I possibly can. She is such a wonderful mother and beautiful person.
Take care of yourself. And get lots of rest when you can.Best of evertyhing to you and your health.

I had pretty severe mitral regurgitation as a result of endocarditis earlier this year. The cardiologist I was referred to put me on lisinopril, which is an ACE-Inhibitor that is cardio-protective and essentially helps your heart to not have to work as hard. They did that for about 3 months, but on my follow-up echo the regurgitation was worse (plus I had new "stuff" growing on my valve) and recommended surgery right away. So, I don't know if an ACE-Inhibitor would be worth asking about or not in your situation or not. They were more concerened about a thromboembolism from the "stuff" on my valve. However, now that I've had surgery I have absolutely no reguritation and my heart sounds beautiful with a stethescope. :) Good luck and keep us updated!

Liza :)
my daughter is going thru that right now. It went from nothing to severe in a little over a year. They did not catch it when she had her daughter. They should have caught it when she was pregnant. She has to undergo valve replacement the 28th of June. She has not comepletely made her final decision on which valve yet. She really wants another child. What a hard decision to make for her. I just hope she has a very quick recovery from all this. I have watched to health decline over the past year and a half. She is always so tired. I knew something wasn't right but coudn't pin point it. I just want to be there to help her as much as I possibly can. She is such a wonderful mother and beautiful person.
Take care of yourself. And get lots of rest when you can.Best of evertyhing to you and your health.

Hi tell your daughter to go to
It is a site run by girls like us who have to make a descision not only about which valve to choose but if they want children or not. It is really informative to talk to other women in the same position.
That's what allegedly happened to me...

That's what allegedly happened to me...

Harmony said:
Is it ever possible for the regurgatation to ever get less. On a MVP site someone posted that their regurg had gone from moderate to minimal regurge in a few months.

According to my cardiologist, the previous ech showed mild regurg and now 1 months later its moderate to severe. I think the reading of echos is more subjective than I would like.

mitral valve

mitral valve

hello liza, isnt it awesome to listen to your heart and hear it beating normally. I could tell the improvement after waking up from surgery. Havent had my first post-op echo but anxiously looking forward to seeing it. 2 weeks post-op and I already feel so much better. Chest and back pain are decreasing. Thank you Lord!!!!