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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
McLean, VA
I have a friend with mitral regurgitation who says they are going to put a clip on his valve via percutaneous transcatheter. Any body know any one who has had this and how it worked?
Some details on the application:

New safety and durability data for the percutaneous MitraClip system (Evalve), an experimental device being tested for the treatment of mitral regurgitation, suggest that the device yields lasting improvements in mitral regurgitation, with at least two-thirds of patients treated surviving out beyond one year, without needing mitral-valve surgery or developing worsening mitral regurgitation [1]. Of the patients who ended up needing valve repair, there appeared to be no downsides to first having been treated with the device, investigators said.

The MitraClip [Source: Evalve]

"Surgical options were preserved," the authors, led by Dr Ted Feldman (Evanston Hospital, IL), write in the August 18, 2009 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Wonderful clip. Thank you for it.

My cardio and I talked about the clip prior to my surgery but it was not appropriate for me.
My big fear about that procedure (which may be totally unwarranted) is that what happens if the clip for some reason opens?:eek: The heart would not have to to compensate since the compensation is really the gradual dilation of the chambers to help pump more blood (that is, until it has dilated so much that it cannot undo itself). If, say, the clip is working well for a year, and the heart has remodelled, and then all of a sudden the clip opens for some unknown reason, YIKES!!! Maybe this has never happened and never will, but it is something I have thought about.
Matski, I saw this video and thanks for posting it for all to see. I don't know how to do this yet. My surgeon who was the first chief at Inova says this is still experimental and they are not offering it there. My friend is going to Philly and I think he is in the study. I think you would have to be anticoagulated with this clip. Maybe somebody who has had a clip will sign in and let us know how it goes. you happen to know which MD in Philly is doing the procedure? I'd assume your friend is going to Penn.