(why did I read this string with less than 2 weeks to go?) Ei yi yi
TIA, Mini Stroke, Stroke I hate these things! I don't think I've had any of these but I fear that I may have one once in awhile. I've noticed several times waking up in the middle of the night not being able to feel my arms or arm because they were numb and sometimes I couldn't even move them like I would swing em' around like dead weight almost. After about 10 seconds I would start getting feeling back in the arm or arms. I truly think my limbs just feel asleep and were deprived circulation for too long while I was asleep and that's what led to such a severe symptom but its things like these that make you go hmmm.... I really didn't have issues like this before surgery so I wonder why my limbs are "falling asleep" so quickly now.
I would like to make a new category of TIA's called min TIA's. It seems like many people after heart surgery experience some kind of mini stroke after surgery. I want to go as far as saying that 50% of people experience some kind of stroke symptom in the first year after surgery but this number is not counted only full blown strokes are counted which is why the percentage is relatively low. Since surgery I've had some weird things happen with my vision and my body that I just can't explain. Thank God I have no lasting effects now being 6 months post op but sheesh.
(why did I read this string with less than 2 weeks to go?) Ei yi yi
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