Mind over matter?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Greensboro, NC
Another question for you kind folks, as I inch closer to the day....... Have any of you experienced an increase in fatigue as you got closer to surgery? I don't know what to make of it , but I certainly am a tired(and out-of-breath) person these days........hoping the AVR will put me back to my normal energetic self. Three weeks to go!!!!
Ruth, I sure hope after you have had surgery and recovered you are feeling back to your normal energetic self. Sorry i can't answer your question, best of luck.
I did have more fatigue just prior to surgery. Was it in my head maybe so but I don't think so. I had no energy and was always tired.
Doing better but I still get tired. I will be three months on the 22nd.
Good Luck
Seems anything that I perceived as a negative was amplified before my surgery. Certainly feeling weaker and more tired was something I went through as well.
Bina said:
Ruth, you are probably just suffering from some stress. Take things slow, relax, and focus on deep slow breathing. You may want to lie down in the afternoon if needed.:)

I echo Bina....worry and stress can flat tucker you out.....Try and relax:rolleyes: ...I know, easier said than done.....Wishing you the best!
Bina said:
Ruth, you are probably just suffering from some stress. Take things slow, relax, and focus on deep slow breathing. You may want to lie down in the afternoon if needed.:)

I'll the second to echo Bina and Cooker.

Be good to yourself and try to relax and breath.
Ditto about the stress. I had plenty of restless nights with the pending OHS on my mind, so naturally I was feeling tired.

Also, once I was in the "waiting room" I became very aware of every little thing I could attribute to my heart issue, even if it wasn't actually so. Am I short of breadth? Did I feel a heart palipitation? Am I feeling more tired? Funny...I didn't have any symptoms until they told me I had a heart problem. Then I think I imagined symptoms. I think it's a normal reaction.