Migraines from new energy saving lightbulbs

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
FYI. Saw this on AOL this morning. From Switched.com

Funny how we just replaced so many bulbs in the kitchen and one over the computer and I'm experiencing a real surge in my occular migraines. I thought it was just all the chocolate during the holidays!!

And darn, too!! Those are great lightbulbs!! Looks like we need LED technology fast.


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Energy-Saving Bulbs Causing Migraine Headaches
Posted Jan 2nd 2008 10:08AM by Tim Stevens
Filed under: Green Tech

Compact fluorescent bulbs, the twisted looking replacement lights that use as little as one fourth the power of their common incandescent counterparts (and last much longer), are being adopted worldwide in an effort to reduce energy consumption. They are even becoming mandatory in some countries -- a little troubling according to the Daily Mail, which reports that health experts in the U.K. say the green bulbs can cause migraine headaches or other disconcerting symptoms in many people.

The bulbs work in the same way as the long, traditional fluorescent tube lights seen in many commercial establishments. This means that they can produce light that subtly flickers, unnoticeable by many, but a big problem for others, especially epileptics, who can suffer from seizures under fluorescent bulbs. According the U.K.'s Migraine Action Association and other health organizations, the lights also cause headaches, as well as nausea, dizziness, and even physical pain for those suffering with lupus, according to the study.

In both the United States and the United Kingdom, traditional incandescent bulbs are set to be completely phased out by 2012. Surely those with medical conditions can be given exemptions easily enough, but if they can't simply walk into a store and buy a traditional bulb, just how many companies will continue manufacturing them and how much will they cost?

The high mercury content is dangerous as well. These can not be disposed of safely-landfills are not equipped to deal with mercury any longer. (I was not aware of this.....were you???)

Such recent health concerns around energy-saving fluorescent bulbs might be another reason to push research into production of LED-based lighting options, which are even more efficient than CFL lighting, and even more durable, with a single bulb potentially never burning out. Such LED-based bulbs are available now, but at per-bulb costs that dwarf those of the relatively expensive CFL bulbs.
I have CFLs in my kitchen, bathroom, and living room for the past year or more. They are on alot and don't cause me any problems, but I do have some trouble with migraine auras if I am on the computer too much and sitting too close to the screen without frequent enough breaks.
When I was doing commercial interior design work (now retired), there were some instances of people getting migraines from the flicker of fluorescent light bulbs. Most of us cannot see that kind of flicker, since it is rapid, but for those who are sensitive to it, it is a problem.

I am sure the compact ones also emit some flicker.
we have a family member who is epileptic. I will immediately send this to them. Wonder why this has not hit the news media before they began telling all of us to use them. No danger? Helloooo????
This is very interesting. We switched to these bulbs about 6 months ago and I mentioned to Chris a couple weeks ago that I was having more migraines recently than in the past few years. I do know that flickering lights have been a trigger for me but did not realize these bulbs can flicker. Maybe time to stock up on the old types at least for the room I am in the most.
Wow! I've had 3 migraines in the last 5 days and couldn't figure out why in the world I was suddenly having them when I hadn't had one in months. I thought it might have something to do with the new aerogarden I got for Christmas from my brother (the light from it is quite bright and I had it right by the back door where I let the dogs out). My hubby moved it to the dining room two days ago and I haven't had a problem since. The bulbs inside are the squiggly kind, I think. And we just bought some for the house but hadn't gotten around to putting them in. I'm thinking maybe we'll take them back now! :eek:

Thanks for the info!
I'm glad this info is pertinent. Thanks for the links, Nancy....our resource librarian hard at work!! :D (that migrainetrust.org is a particularly excellent source!)

I think what ticks me off the most is the fact :confused: that there are high enough mercury levels in these things to foul up our landfills which ultimately foul up our fragile planet. What are these people thinking who design these things?? :mad: I know we are overpopulating and draining precious resources so using less power is logical....but how does it all weigh out in terms of impact. There should be disclaimers printed on the light bulb packages (or maybe there are! My husband is in charge of light bulbs around here......wouldn't want a blonde dealing with light bulbs....we'd be in the dark! :p )

When we moved into this new house 4 years ago I requested that the normal flourescent lights in my closet and laundry room be replaced with incandescent fixtures. I got the nix on that. But the builder did replace the bulbs with full spectrum flourescents and that seemed to make the light much less a nuisance. Don't know if they have full spectrum CFL's but it might make a difference with the migraines. I sure wouldn't chance them if there were eplieptic problems anywhere, though.

Just after I posted this thread, my home from college for a month daughter came in and complained that her headaches are really bothering her here! Bye Bye kitchen CFL's!

Did you notice this statement in the last link I gave from the UK:

"They have been inundated with complaints about the fluorescent bulbs, which are due to become compulsory in homes within four years."

That's a scary thought!