Never had migraines until about 4 months after mitral valve artificial valve installed at age 65. Now I have several a month. Anyone else exprience the onset of migraines after the surgery?
I used to have them when I was a teen, but then they stopped and I didn't get them anymore.....UNTIL, after my MV replacement! Then they came back - I get the aura first then the headache. Although the headaches aren't as severe as the ones I had when I was young.
Same as Bridgette, I used to get really bad ones in college but they stopped, then after my MVR they returned. They occurred frequently in the beginning, now occasionaly, and luckily I usually only get the aura part of it most of the time, which is a nuisance but not painful at least! Sometimes I do have a headache that follows but nothing like the migraines of the past.