Migraine Auras -- LA reporter suffers on air

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
Hi all.
Thought this would be an interesting story for some of you valvers to read since so many of us suffer from visual migraines. Interesting discussion of symptoms and such so thought it would be a useful article/event to share.

They have been reporting it everywhere this week! She was scared! No wonder!


and the follow up interview

and also this came up on google


:smile2: Marguerite
Can you imagine how scary this moment must have been for her?! Poor lady!

They interviewed her on the evening news last night & also on ET. She said she knew what she wanted to say but it was not coming out that way! Said her mom immediately thought she had a brain tumor!

Thank goodness she is okay!
I've had migraines for over 30 years and never had or heard of speech problems associated with them.
This woman needs to be checked out thoroughly....this is scary stuff and not to be laughed at.
Can you imagine how scary this moment must have been for her?! Poor lady!

They interviewed her on the evening news last night & also on ET. She said she knew what she wanted to say but it was not coming out that way! Said her mom immediately thought she had a brain tumor!

Thank goodness she is okay!
I cant imagine the panic and fear she must have felt BUT they say she got Immediate attention as there is a lot of medical staff on hand aat the Staples cent for the Grammys ....thank goodness for that
Back when I got miserable migraines, I found myself telling pals that I was getting a haircut, when I meant I was getting a headache. I don't think I ever made up nifty words like "burtation", though! We're all individual in that regard, too, I guess -- even among migraine sufferers!
I've gotten those. When I saw a replay of her 'attack', I recognized it immediately (because it was so similar to what I get). Of course, not being a physician, I didn't diagnose her, but I wasn't surprised that the team who examined her concluded that it was migraine related. It's especially scary the first few times it happens -- you end up wondering when (if) it would go away. You try to form words, but other sounds come out. If you've had these a few times, you learn to slowly and carefully form what you are trying to say, word by word, until it resolves.

For an on-air reporter, this is probably especially scary -- I hope her employers will continue to trust her the 99.99% of the time she's reporting and NOT having this symptom.

It's good to see that Serene Branson has been fully evaluated. (For me, with no insurance and never having it checked, it helps to confirm that when I get it, it's just a migraine symptom, as I've been assuming for some time)
I wouldn't be surprised if this hurts Serene Branson's career, despite everybody wishing her well. While I was watching her being interviewed, I noticed every slur and malapropism she made, as if I were watching her through a microscope. The level of trust most broadcasters take for granted may be hard for her to recapture.