Might Be Getting Close

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Hello Everyone,

Hope all are well. Just thought I would share this. As I posted a couple of weeks ago my cardio started me on Amiodarone (very low dose) for the control of a-fib. At the time I asked if I would be able to discontinue the Toprol XL 100mg and he said most likely. I was low on Toprol so I reduce to 50mg and ran out three dayes ago. I did not want to refill it because I am seeing my cardio on Wed. and felt like he would stop it any way.

Well here's what is going on. He said that one sign I should look for is SOB.
I walk every morning for 30 minutes and have had no SOB. But the last two days I have had to walk to our store next door. It is about 150 yards slightly up hill with three steps. When I got where I was going my heart was pounding (not bad just aware) and I was slightly SOB. I don't know if this is happening do to stopping the Toprol or if this is a sign it is time.:confused:

This really has me a little concerned. I know that when I tell him about it he will put me on the stress/echo. And I know if I fail the test it is most likely off to the surgeon.

I'm not really asking any questions just needed to tell someone.

Thanks for listening,
The heart pounding might be stopping the toprol. The sob is probably valve related. You want to call the doc about that - it's a sign of congestive heart failure. Have you been retaining fluids?

You have sob problems first with climbing stairs or hills - much harder on the heart.

Good luck.
Shotness Of Breath

Shotness Of Breath

Hi Cooker , I,ve had s.o.b. , pounding heart and tightness in the chest upon any kind of exertional activity for years now. It's really got bad the last few years and thank God my surgery is next week. I'm still able to go for about a 20 minute walk without heavy symptoms but if I try to walk fast or up hills or in snow the symptoms come right away. I don't know how long you've been waiting for your surgery but I know it is tough waiting when you know you need the sugery and your not feeling well. If your ultrasound shows that you need your surgery , I pray that they will just get on with it for you. Good luck buddy.:)