Middle grade sports

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I just heard the best news from my son..he is at Grandson's first 8th grade football game. They practiced every afternoon from 4-6 P.m...for last 3 weeks..I knew he was one of the smaller ones..but son just told me it was 1/2 time..they are winning..but Kameron has not played yet..Now, the good news..they have a 5th quarter..for boys that do not play in first 4 quarters..JUST for the ones who did not play....How great is this.. :D It's not about winning but letting everyone play.....It has given me faith in Coaches again.. :) Bonnie
My 8th grade grandson is playing on the varsity team this year. He's 5'11" tall and weighs 155. Going to be a BIG boy. He has some 7 foot tall relatives on his father's side.
Pam..no...it's who won in 4th quarter..but play 5th quarter so boys can be seen on field..Cherleaders, fans, ect..after all, they went to hot practice everyday..came home late, homework, ect.......Entire team stays on bench until it's over...Grandson is making all A's..Wonder about the first string?..Are they barely making their grades?..Nancy Girlfriend..Glad Kameron is not playing on your Grands team.. :eek: he just turned age 13..maybe 5ft..5..and maybe 100 lbs?.... son told me..that there are boys his size.. :eek: on Kameron team..Most are probably age 14..and still in the 8th grade..bonnie
when Chuck, my son, was in little league, every child was to play in at least one inning. I hope that's they way with football, too. I discouraged Chuck from playing football - I didn't want him to get hurt! But he ended up his high school baseball career with a ruined rotator cuff anyhow.

Tell Kameron I am rooting him on towards a touchdown.
I coach my sons basbeall and soccer teams. The primary reason - I was never good at team sports so didn't get to play much as a result. Now I could care less about winning and care more about the kids having fun. So every kid on my team gets equal time to play and they get to try all the positions (except first and pitcher - too dangerous for some kids). You would be amazed how many parents request to have their kids on my team because of this.
My 10 year old granddaughter plays for a Christian Basketball League. They pray for all the teams before every game and everyone gets to play. This will be her third year. Everyone cheers eveyone else on. But, every now and then you get a parent with a bad attitude. These games are played in a church gym and we can't believe how some of the parents act. But, the kids are just out there having fun. This will be her third year playing. She cheered the first 2 years and decided playing was more fun. Shes tall and good for her age.
My kids' high school has the policy that students in sports, that attend practice regularly should be allowed to play during the games. The athletic director is very serious about this and makes the coaches tow the line. The first thing parents are told "If your child isn't playing, talk to the coach. If they still aren't played, talk to the athletic director." When the policy first started it was tough, particularly for the long-time coaches. But now that it's been in place it's working well. Obviously the better players get to play more, but all the players get to play some. There is even a minimum play time with the football team. When my kids were in high school it was 5 minutes. Doesn't sound like a lot, but when it's divided up with special teams and plays it worked well and seemed to keep everyone happy.

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