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kpearse Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 13, 2009
Colonia,NJ USA
Hi, It's been awhile since I last posted. I come and lurk around, read the posts. I just retired after 35 years with my company. They had a buy out I couldn't turn down, that and my doctor wants me out. I came to the point where a small job became to much. I'm a maintenance mechanic working in the boiler house.
My health isn't that great. Beside the valve replacement I've had a hip replaced, a shoulder done, and now both knees are very arthritic. I'm getting euflexxa shots again to maybe put off a replacement.
My last CT scan showed my ascending aortic aneurysm has increased in size. He changed my inr range from 2.5-3.5 to 2.0-3.0 and added a baby aspirin and metoprolol 50mg once a day. Has anyone been on or is taking that drug? I've been so tired, just walking up and down my stairs I'm out of breath.
Besides that I just want to enjoy life. It's going to be nice not getting up to go there. I am going to apply for disability, hope that works out!
Well, I'm not very good at writing, and thanks for putting up with this post. I would like to hear about the metoprolol.
Hope all are enjoying the long weekend, God bless those who gave there lives for us.
Yes, Metoprolol can make you feel a bit tired. I have been on it for nearly 8 mo., since my surgery on Oct. 1. I used to take 50mg 2x daily (1 25mg tab in the morning and one at night). If you take 50 mg at once (which you said you do), you may want to ask your Dr if you can split it up to 25mg 2x per day. I have weaned myself down to 37 mg daily and that slight adjustment has had no adverse affect on my heart rate, and has taken the edge off of the dizziness/light headed feeling/side effect that can occur when you get up too quickly. I am hoping to get off of it when I see my cardiologist and have my next echo in August, but that's TBD.
Hi Ken,

I have been on metoprolol for a few years now. I take 25mg once per day before bed. When I first started taking it, I was on the standard Metoprolol ( I dont recall the moniker), after a year or so, I switched doctors and the new doctor switched me to the Extended Release version of Metoprolol. I have been able to mountain bike and hike while on it as long as I keep a steady pace as opposed to bursts of energy. I am not sure this is helpful in your situation, but that is my experience.

I've been on it for over a decade now. After my 2nd surgery (Feb 2011) I went from 50mg once a day to 50mg twice a day and it definitely has an effect on me. It makes me more lethargic and I can't get my heart rate up to where it should be when exercising, which also makes me feel kind of crappy. I'm hoping that at my next followup we can cut the dose down as my heart rate has been consistently around 60bpm. As someone with a tissue valve, the upside is that the metoprolol keeps my heart rate lower which may extend the life of my valve.
I've been on it for over a decade now. After my 2nd surgery (Feb 2011) I went from 50mg once a day to 50mg twice a day and it definitely has an effect on me. It makes me more lethargic and I can't get my heart rate up to where it should be when exercising, which also makes me feel kind of crappy. I'm hoping that at my next followup we can cut the dose down as my heart rate has been consistently around 60bpm. As someone with a tissue valve, the upside is that the metoprolol keeps my heart rate lower which may extend the life of my valve.

I was put on 25 mg a day due to being recently diagnosed with a BAV and an ascending aneurysm even though my blood pressure has always been great my cardiologist wants to be on the safe side with the aneurysm. my surgeon says my valve is easily fixable, mild leaking and no stenosis, its either that or a mechanical valve.Either way I will be getting a graft for the aneurysm but I was wondering once its all healed up if my blood pressure is good is there anybody out here who has an experience being taken off the metroprolol in this situation? Am I more likely to be kept on it with a repair raher than a mechanical valve? He says my leaking is so mild he wouldn't even operate if it wasn't for the aneurysm.
Bryan B said:
I was put on 25 mg a day due to being recently diagnosed with a BAV and an ascending aneurysm even though my blood pressure has always been great my cardiologist wants to be on the safe side with the aneurysm. my surgeon says my valve is easily fixable, mild leaking and no stenosis, its either that or a mechanical valve.Either way I will be getting a graft for the aneurysm but I was wondering once its all healed up if my blood pressure is good is there anybody out here who has an experience being taken off the metroprolol in this situation? Am I more likely to be kept on it with a repair raher than a mechanical valve? He says my leaking is so mild he wouldn't even operate if it wasn't for the aneurysm.

I was on 25mg daily (12mg morning, 12 mg evening) for about 6 months after my AVR. I found it to keep my heart rate under 150 and prevented my from pushing it in exercise. When I went off, my heart rate was a little more erratic, but after a while , it adjusted and now I've got my power back.
I was on 25mg daily (12mg morning, 12 mg evening) for about 6 months after my AVR. I found it to keep my heart rate under 150 and prevented my from pushing it in exercise. When I went off, my heart rate was a little more erratic, but after a while , it adjusted and now I've got my power back.

Thanks, good to hear, for you and hopefully me as well
I've been taking metoprolol for 3 years - since AVR surgery. I started out with 100 mg/day of the timed-release version for a while after surgery. My cardio wanted to keep my heart rate down and ensure that my heart remodeled properly. After about a year (I think), we reduced the dosage to 50 mg/day, and then after about 18 months, to 25 mg/day. I feel that it still keeps me from elevating my heart rate as high as I used to, but at 66 years old, that may not be all bad.

The drug works, and aside from the obvious, has few side effects. You may need to discuss both the timed-release version of the med and your daily dosage with your docs, in order to optimize the situation for you.
When I was discharged from the hospital 6 weeks ago, I was on 50 mg/day to regulate my heart beat. My first Cardiologist appt. 4 weeks later resulted in an increase to 100 mg/day, then 200 mg/day as neither dose lowered my BPM. Even now, the 200 mg/day (100 mg x 2 daily) still hasn't regulated my BPM, but that's a continuing story! FYI my rates fluctuated from between 60 - 100 and then anywhere from 120 to 163 BPM.
I'm attributing the light headedness and shallow breathing I feel at times to side effects of Metoprolol as I believe that's quite common.

Wow, 200mg daily is a big dose! I hope you are able to significantly reduce this over time. On the other hand, it's great we have such a drug to take care of us when needed.
When I was discharged from the hospital 6 weeks ago, I was on 50 mg/day to regulate my heart beat. My first Cardiologist appt. 4 weeks later resulted in an increase to 100 mg/day, then 200 mg/day as neither dose lowered my BPM. Even now, the 200 mg/day (100 mg x 2 daily) still hasn't regulated my BPM, but that's a continuing story! FYI my rates fluctuated from between 60 - 100 and then anywhere from 120 to 163 BPM.
I'm attributing the light headedness and shallow breathing I feel at times to side effects of Metoprolol as I believe that's quite common.

I wouldn't begin to second guess any doctor but I wonder if your doctor discussed trying a different medication for you. There are so many possible meds, it might be worth asking him/her.
Hi, It's been awhile since I last posted. I come and lurk around, read the posts. I just retired after 35 years with my company. They had a buy out I couldn't turn down, that and my doctor wants me out. I came to the point where a small job became to much. I'm a maintenance mechanic working in the boiler house.
My health isn't that great. Beside the valve replacement I've had a hip replaced, a shoulder done, and now both knees are very arthritic. I'm getting euflexxa shots again to maybe put off a replacement.
My last CT scan showed my ascending aortic aneurysm has increased in size. He changed my inr range from 2.5-3.5 to 2.0-3.0 and added a baby aspirin and metoprolol 50mg once a day. Has anyone been on or is taking that drug? I've been so tired, just walking up and down my stairs I'm out of breath.
Besides that I just want to enjoy life. It's going to be nice not getting up to go there. I am going to apply for disability, hope that works out!
Well, I'm not very good at writing, and thanks for putting up with this post. I would like to hear about the metoprolol.
Hope all are enjoying the long weekend, God bless those who gave there lives for us.

Consult your doctor but try splitting the tablet 25mg twice daily. I found this made a huge difference to the dizziness, tiredness.
Chaconne and JKM7 I'll be discussing this dosage with my GP on 12th June as it does seem very high (compared with what others on the forum are taking). Although having said that, I was visiting a friend's family last night and his father (in his 80's) is on 150 mg/day, so I guess there are exceptions!

Apologies to the OP - didn't intend to hijack your thread :).

iedude said:
Consult your doctor but try splitting the tablet 25mg twice daily. I found this made a huge difference to the dizziness, tiredness.

When I was on Metoprolol, I split mine in half and took 12.5mg twice a day. Even missing a 12.5mg dose was noticeable by an elevated heart rate. Splitting the tiny pill was a hassle, and taking pills 2 times a day was more difficult to remember.
I take coreg, a similar drug, and take it once in the morning and once at night. I'm also on lisinopril, which lowers BP, and take it in the evening so that it is less likely to make me drowsy during the day.